Weekly Management and Leadership Tip: Beware of the Strong Leader Myth

"Leaders don't make mistakes."

"Leaders don't apologize."

"Leaders don't show emotion...ever."

"Leaders don't have any fears."

"Leaders don't feel the weight of leadership."

The truth? 

Leaders DO make mistakes.

Their greatness lies in their choice to be accountable for them and resolve to do better in the future. 

Leaders DO apologize.

Their greatness lies in their willingness to say 'I'm sorry' when they've blundered.
Leaders DO show emotion.

Their greatness lies in their ability to manage their emotions effectively.

Leaders DO have fears.

Their greatness lies in their courage to lead and work in spite of the risk of rejection or failed efforts.
Leaders DO feel the weight of leadership.

Their greatness lies in developing self-care practices to help them shoulder the responsibility of leading others well (including prayer and meditation, setting & sticking to boundaries, developing more emotional intelligence, resting).
Let's not get it twisted.

The strong leader myth is exactly that...a MYTH.

C'est la vie.

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