European Future of Work study from @IDCUKI/ @IDC_EMEA - this is even more relevant post-COVID19. The role of the office has changed... (start of thread)
Flexible working cannot be applied to all, but it can to many.
Flexibility needs to involve location and time as well. Provide the same experience at home, in office, wherever - regardless of the device.
We used to see coming to office = work = get paid (based on time/attendance). Work != office and office != work. Work is transitioning to look at outcomes...
Need to remember not everyone has a good work from home experience - housemates, noisy environment, communications, etc. - may depend on stage of life/career too.
Can't replace whole office experience but role changes to a meeting place - social, etc. Work at home if job allows and come in occasionally. Also, the culture of each work environment drives different future outcomes
Need to drive a culture of trust: needs to be top down - about driving outcomes. Not about IT, it's about people management. People need to be free to work when works for them and for the business...
Ironically, and somewhat confusingly, "zero trust" (or "boundaryless" security models are a part of this approach. We need to trust people to work anywhere, by not trusting the device/network, etc. (!)
Great end user experience will depend on the person: it's difficult to quantify and is a combination of technology, culture, location and thinking
Workspace transition is not (just) about IT - it needs to involve those who actually use the technology - who are not the IT decision makers and administrators! Also needs to consider engagement across the company - softer communications and water-cooler chats may be missed
When digitally-enabling high-performing teams, we need tools for collaboration/meetings and a means of measuring productivity (consider what is the benchmark?). Again, it comes back to outcomes
Management is no longer about attendance of "work" to get paid; instead it's about providing safeguards and allowing people to do their best work. Shield them from the distractions and the politics. The role of the manager is transforming to be a coach/mentor [via @spoinster]
Teams can be distributed and collaboration tools allow secure information sharing (across timezones too). Need to reduce wasted minutes working around technology!
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