Some of you are trying to build a life to try and make other people happy.

What you should be doing is building a life for yourself that makes you happy.

Why the fuck do you care what other people think?
You wanna live with yourself and your pretend life?


But don't complain when it all comes down around you.
Do you think your life isn't exciting enough?

Make it more exciting?

My life isn't much...but it's still mine, and I'm making it better.

Stop trying to make your life into an action film, there's more than enough that you're doing right now to make it real and intriguing.
My life:

- Father of two girls
- Former fat ass getting into shape
- Own my own family business
- Alcohol free for 10 months
- Paid off $67k in debt in just under 4 years
- Bad with women until I worked on myself and my game
- Traveler
- Working to help men to avoid my mistakes
- Future author
- Blogger
- Youtuber
- Friend
- Brother
- Father
- Trying to be an inspiration for those that need it during these dark times
- Keeping my chin up and my life in my control
There's a whole lot more you could be doing to make your life yours, but you're busy trying to impress people who don't give a flying fuck about you or who you are.

And yet, you still treat these people like friends, family, or better.

Get out of the people pleasing business.
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