Dr Stella Emmanuel tells the world that there is a cure for COVID-19.
I don’t get why Bill Gates who isn’t a physician can freely express his opinion on Covid19 and Dr. Stella Emmanuel a certified medical doctor cannot.
Even if it were true that Immanuel had treated 350 people and no one died, so what? Is she the only doctor in the US who has not lost a patient? There are 26 countries in the world too that have not recorded any death from the disease.
Vietnam has a population of about 96 million people, but not a single death recorded so far. Does that not suggest that there are variables that need to be worked out arithmetically rather than jump into conclusions?
Developing societies like ours cannot afford to dismiss......
Scientific processes as a globalist conspiracy against our rising in D world. There is no shortcut to learning, e will do well to develop the patience necessary for science to work the way to the truth in its slow and methodical way. The other option is to believe in demon sperm.
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