#tdih 1932: U.S. gov't attacked WWI veterans with tanks, bayonets, & tear gas, under leadership of textbook heroes MacArthur, Patton, & Eisenhower. The WWI vets were part of a Bonus Army who came to D.C. to demand promised wartime bonuses. Text & films ⬇️ https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/bonus-army-attacked/
"While they may have fought in Europe as a segregated army, the Bonus Army did not invite Jim Crow to this battle. Arriving from all over the country, alone or with wives and children, both Black and white vets of huddled together, in what they called ‘Hoovervilles.'"
"Despite the fact that the Bonus Army was made up of 95 percent veterans, the entire group were labeled 'Red agitators' — tantamount to declaring open season on an oppressed group of U.S. citizens. Right on cue, Hoover called out the troops." #teachoutsidetextbook
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