For today's #FairyTaleTuesday @EnchantedEzine is asking for #powerfulWomen and #heroines from #mythology, #legends and #Folklore . So here is a thread of my favourite strong legendary women. 1/7
1) Medea, from #GreekMythology. Through her life she was raised by witches, was cheated on and had her mind destroyed by the gods. Although she commuted atrocities she did remain strong!
For more info on Medea:
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2) The #Amazon Women and queen #Penthesilea. These were warrior women from #GreekMythology who lived and rules their own civilisation and who challenged anyone who dared disrespect them. Penthesilea fought agaunt the hero Achilles in the Trojan War
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3) #Hel from #NorseMyth was labelled evil because of her appearance,the others gods trapped her in a dead world which she made her own called #Helheim which became an #Underworld and she became goddess of death.For more info on Hel:
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4) #Morgana/Morgan Le Fay,was the #witch from the #ArthurianLegends of #Camelot who was embarrassed by Arthur and Guinevere multiple times and so sought to punish them.She escaped their wrath by using her magic in an intelligent way.
5) #Antigone a mortal woman from #GreekMythology and #tragedy. She went against the state and the king despite knowing it would end in her downfall and later instead of allowing the king to decide when she would die, she ended her own life.
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6) #Circe from #GreekMythology she was banished to an island because the gods feared her powers of #Witchcraft. On this island she perfected her art and turned men to pigs.
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