This gets long and somewhat eclectic.

3 main elements of the de-escalation model is the concept of Time, Distance, and Shielding. Time to work out solutions, distance to afford you time, and shielding to support the other 2. Federal agents have created shielding and distance.
They have erected a fence to keep violent insurrectionists, terrorists really, from destroying a federal building in the city of Portland. These federal agents are occupying a federal space and their purpose is to preserve the building and day to day functions therewithin.
They take no action unless in direct support of keeping the building standing. The have created distance by remaining inside of the building until necessary to exit. They have created shielding in the furthering of distance by erecting this fence. It doesn't matter.
This is a group that will not de-escalate because they have only one goal in mind, and it isn't the preservation of Black life. These are enemies of the state who seek its destruction, plain and simple. They've said as much.
"Where will you hide your family when the revolution comes"

Words spoken to me way back at the beginning of this months ago now. That is what these people are looking to effect, what they believe to be a revolution. They are waging a war, not participating in a protest.
They will hide in the ranks of legitimate protesters, and co-op messages, but they are here for one thing: the furtherance of their political ideology and the violent implementation of it.
We've seen their tactics over & over again. They seek violent reaction in response to their violence. They seek to violate attempts at de-escalation because without the confrontation they desire, there is no political currency obtained when "fed bois attack peaceful protesters"
The fact of the matter is escalation is their point, & it is their primary tactic, & it starts subtly.

They started with water bottles. "What are you so scared of? It's just a water bottle. You're can't take a water bottle?" (As if throwing anything at anyone is ok lol)
They're right. While they've got some heft, & do hurt, your standard 24 pack of single use water bottles isn't an intimidating weapon of choice. So when police take enforcement action after 10 people start throwing water bottles, police are seen as in the wrong.
Then they started freezing them. I tell ya, a frozen water bottle really hurts, and can do significant damage. But hey, they're just water bottles, & conveniently enough it's a weapon that looks like a basic, harmless (lol) water bottle. Also, from a law enforcement perspective,
especially from an optics perspective, are you going to seize water from people? After all, they're just water bottles, what are you afraid of.

Once it was ok to throw "just water bottles" it was amped up to rocks. For what it's worth, most people agree not to throw rocks at
other people, and while we still do take a lot of rocks, it is done more subtlety and more often in moments of either opportunity, or when complete chaos has already ensued.

Next though was the fire works, and, just like the water bottles, they started off simply enough.
Firecrackers would be thrown at our feet. Smoke bombs, maybe a bottle rocket or two, but hey, those can't *really* hurt anyone, or cause any *real* significant property damage.

Then, just like the water bottles, things changed.
We began to see not just larger fireworks, mortars, M-80s etc, we started to see altered fireworks. Mortars ducttaped together to produce a larger explosion. M-80s with BBs taped to them to produce a shrapnel like effect.
That is their MO. They inoculate people to their violence by slowly upping the ante as to how they apply their violence. They make law enforcement fearful of reacting in a way that is justified, because it appears as if they are just cracking down on kids who threw firecrackers.
We are going to see cops seriously hurt in the next few weeks. Accross the country we've already seen now instances where something more than just fireworks are being thrown at cops, and thrown at buildings. It is their inoculation plan to desensitize people to their violence and
to shift the focus onto law enforcement's reaction to that violent action. Remember, it's just water bottles, those are just firecrackers. Until they're not.

The media at large refuses to paint these revolutionaries, these terrorists, for what they are. The chose to paint
law enforcement as agitators who are putting down peaceful protests & harming people who are only there to decry the plight of Black Americans. When we do see a serious injury or death, due to this narrative it will be largely viewed as the righteous reaction of the oppressed.
Black live matter. I've said this in & out of uniform, on Facebook, my personal Twitter, & this account. As a nation we have largely failed our Black brothers and sisters. We have attempted, and in some ways succeeded, to remedy our past sins as a nation. Much work is to be done.
We need to be better and strive for more. We need to ensure equity for all people. Law enforcement, just as our nation, is scarred by a shameful past where the rights of all were not treated equally. However, like our nation, we have striven and still do strive to make this
a place where truly all people are treated equal.

This movement, what we are seeing right now, has nothing to do with Black lives except as a mode of transportation to further an ideology that seeks the downfall of our nation. Don't give into this. There is far more good in our
future than there is sin in our past, even as truly horrible as that sin was. United we stand, divided we fall. I'm going to do my best to see we aren't divided.
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