I was listening to a podcast on how to learn a language. Key takeaway: children learn better than adults not just because they are “sponges” but because they make mistakes.
Adults spend more time trying to construct a “perfect” sentence and lose momentum. We forget that we didn’t learn our first language this way.
If we look at children, we get to witness how their pronunciations evolve as they practice and make mistakes. That’s how we should learn (with everything).
I took this as a reminder that I/we should take on life as a child. Be open to learning, being okay with not knowing everything, and making mistakes. Making A LOT of mistakes.
What hinders us as adults is that we are not always around people who encourage learning, and spend more time picking at our mistakes. So I understand why people don’t take the fail fast approach.
Unfortunately they are only 7-8 mins long.
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