Don't like the protests? Let's hear your solution. But first ...

Not allowed to kneel ... apparently that's treason.

If you're a celebrity, you're told to "stick to acting" or "shut up and dribble." (Unless you come out as Republican)

Town hall meetings with your new city council have been tried for generations without success. And it's a nationwide, systemic problem, not a local one of a few bad cops.

(If you think it's just a few bad cops, you've got some homework to do)

Voting? The GOP doesn't give a damn and the Democrats are happy to back down on these issues when elections aren't at stake.

And anybody silly enough to think a third party will get elected, much less waltz in and fix things, is more interested in dreams than solutions.

People have been speaking up about these issues decades. And they've been ignored for decades.

If you won't listen, they'll find a different way to be heard.

So what's your solution?

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