Let's talk $AMD.

Invested my savings to originally invest in $AMD @ $52, $2000 total. Then I discovered $BYFC before the hype and saw potential of penny stocks, certainly different than in 2011 when I started but thats another point.

Why did I want to invest in $AMD?
I've been building computers for the last 12 years. If you've built PCs for over 10 years, you know just how incredible AMD has become.

Intel used to be CPU king, undisputed. $AMD was like Toyota and Intel was Ferrari. You wanted performance, Intel. Affordable, $AMD.
Then, $AMD bought out ATI Radeon. ATI vs Nvidia was just like AMD vs Intel. Nvidia was performance, ATI affordable.

Then, $AMD released their R9 cards. Big driver problems, but way better performance than you'd get from ATI with the same price.
$AMD found a way to make graphics card (GPUs) performance more affordable to the average consumer. Especially when RX cards came out.

In 2015, I paid $300 for an Nvidia 660, 2GB VRAM.
2018 I paid $200 for an AMD RX 580 8GB card. The 580 not the best card today, but
The RX 580 has the BEST price:performance ratio, and has for years now. Undisputed. No longer do consumers need to pay $400+ for a GPU, a $200 one will provide good results for the price.

Their latest card, RX 5700 is $400 vs Nvidia's 2070 for $550.
The RX 5700 performs the same as the 2070S, with a 5fps margin. The 5700 outperforms the 2070S in some games. For $150 less. That savings translates to a motherboard, a PSU, more RAM, etc.

Their new cards coming in Nov will give Nvidia a run for their money.
Pls keep in mind, this post is for ppl that don't know much about PCs and their parts.

So, new Xbox and Playstation due Dec. Guess who's supplying both with CPUs AND GPUs? Yup, $AMD.

And the specs on these things? Holy ****. Like seriously.

4k resoultion @ 60fps is nuts.
Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU, you spend $1000 minimum to get 4k @ 60fps and even then some AAA demanding games won't do 60fps yet.

The 2080ti, a $1200 GPU cannot run Red Dead Redemption @ 60fps in 1080p at max settings.

AMD CPU + GPU can do some 4k for ~$550 btw. $400+ savings.
Point isn't just those new consoles being a catalyst for $AMD. The point is that $AMD somehow found a way to put that kind of processing power inside of a home console, that is unprecedented. Not only is that a HUGE deal, but gives us an idea of the power their new GPUs must have
$AMD is gunning for the enthusiast market that Nvidia has controlled.

Diff between Nvidia & Intel is Nvidia isn't stubborn and knows how to compete to stay on top.

But still, new $AMD cards will be mind blowing. I've been waiting on these cards over a year now, before I
started trading I've been waiting.

So, $AMD is revolutionizing the console industry AND the GPU industry. And if you don't already know, they changed the game for CPUs.

For the first time ever, not only has Intel been crushed, but they can't even compete with Ryzen 3xxx series
I have the Ryzen 3600, cost under $200 and you will not find a better price:performance ratio. Period. It is stupid what this CPU can do, and it's now $150-$160.

$AMD didn't just beat Intel, they killed them. Literally, Intel CEO is resigning because Intel isn't competing.
So, $AMD is now crushing the CPU market. Good enough right?


Ryzen 4000 series due in December. $AMD doesn't want to just win, they trying to murder Intel and its working. Intel can't compete with 3000 series, by the time they think of catching up 4000 will be out.
Want an idea of the power of the Ryzen 3600? I cannot get it to use more than 50% of its power. I have tried stress testing it.

I have dual monitors, with 3 Firefox windows running well over 50 tabs. I also run Webull and stream music from Youtube.
I leave ALL of that open when I game. This $160 CPU doesn't break a sweat and never goes above 50% CPU usage. In my 12 years building PCs, I have never seen anything like this. This CPU is an absolute monster.

Conclusion? $AMD WILL be $100+ by April at the latest.
You think ER for $AMD today is going to be nuts? This is nothing. $50-$70 is absolutely nothing, $100+ soon for sure. Jan 2021 Q1 ER will have

- Ryzen 4000
- New GPU lineup
- Console sales

2021 Q2 ER will be even more insane, ppl having more time to buy consoles.
Save this tweet and mark my words.

By Q2 ER in 2021, Nvidia will be @ $350-370 and $AMD will be @ $100+.

They have revolutionized the CPU industry and are doing the same with consoles and GPUs.

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.
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