It's going to be very interesting to see what happens or not with 'Gear Change' and cycling in the UK in the coming months and years. One thing that most need to understand is that it's not about more Bradley Wiggins on the road.
What we need is everyone walking and cycling some journeys. In @wfcouncil 2020 vision we set a simple aim of 10% of all trips to be by bike. The important bit is that 100% of the population that can cycle do 10% of the time.
Not 10% of the population cycling 100% of the time. This is what we have at the moment where only a small proportion of the population cycle a lot. These are mainly people like me. White middle class reasonably well paid people who work normal hours.
Designing for these people only benefits a few and makes no real impact on general levels of health, congestion or air quality. This is because it's all the other transport trips to school, shops and work that need switching. Not more time trialling on strava
These trips are also in the busy times, repeated, predictable and linear. They are done at normal times. This is when parks are open and roads are calmed by the sheer volume of traffic.
There's lots of people who'd still rather sit in that than ride for a whole host or real and perceived issues. There's also lots of people who have to go to work and other places when it's darker and the streets are faster and less safe.
These people are designed out of networks that rely on canals, parks and 'quiet' residential streets. You don't tend to find these people at campaign meetings or consultation events. You can however find them cycling to work if you look hard enough.
It's often whether these people are even thought of when a network is planned that's the problem. That means thought of properly not just tracks on the straight easy bits.
Designers and decision makers normally live pretty normal lives and working hours. Your sometimes lucky if a designer rides a route before designing. Only visionaries will take a ride at night or early morning.
We know from survey after survey that protected space enables all the other people to chose to cycle of they want to. We also know that people aren't stupid, are time poor, like trees, care about themselves and the world.
We know what the answer is. We know as @peterwalker99 described, the miracle pill for congestion, air pollution, obesity and so much more is more cycling. Providing space that anyone can cycle in is the way. The difficult bit is persuading people they want and need something..
that they think is for someone else and definitely not for them. That's the clever bit. The bit that designers, engineers and politicians have to learn themselves. Not to mention the bravery to carry on when everyone shouts back that they don't want it!
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