The Nine Gems of King Vikramaditya's Court

The great #KingVikramaditya of Ujjain is associated with an ancient tradition that there were #nine_gems in his court. Among them were the greatest scholars, poets, mathematicians, physicians and eminent men of science.
These gems were from all over Bharat Varsha,From the heights of Himalayas to the Kanyakumari,from commercial Gujurat in the west to sentimental Bengal,Assam in the east. These men contributed the king in various ways,following is the list of all these gems.
First Gem : Dhanvantari.
We commonly regard Dhanvantari as the god of medicine,but historians distinguish Dhanvantaris into two categories,one being celestial and other being terrestrial,so Dhanvantari of the terrestrial origin adorned the throne of King Vikramaditya.
Dhanvantari was excellent in the field of medical science and it is considered that he helped the wounded soldiers of Vikramaditya's army when it attacked the 'SAKA' foreigners. He was also considered as chief surgeon of the state.
Second Gem: Kshapanaka
Kshapanaka was a poet and a literature expert in the Royal Court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya. His best-known work is Dvatrishatika, which is one of the finest Sanskrit works.
Third Gem:Amarsimha
Amarsimha was another man of literature in the court of Chandragupta, a very little history of the man himself is known. The books that he wrote were burned during the fire according to historians.
His famous works are AMARAKOSHAM meaning immortal treasure to immortal dictionary. Another one is NAMALINGANUSHASANA instructs about nouns and genders. It is a thesaurus of Sanskrit.
Fourth Gem:Sanku
Shanku remains the anonymous gem of Vikramaditya's court. The reason being his absence from the written works of many people of that era. We only know that he was a man related to geography.His only mention was in Ganaka Kalidasa.
Fifth Gem :Vetalbhatta
Vetala Bhatta is probably the only person who an average Bhartiya would have heard of apart from Kalidasa.However, he is highly underrated and is known only for his half dead spirit in the stories of Vikram and Vetal.
Vetala Bhatta was the author of Neeti Pradeepam, a book on conduct. He was a dear friend of Vikramaditya who died mysteriously but returned in the form of spirit to reveal the qualities of a king, according to Singhasan Dvatrimsika.
Sixth Gem:Ghatkarpara
Ghatkarapara was a poet in the court of Vikramaditya and was considered as one of the important person of that era,historians are not able to get their hands on documents which may reveal the entire information about him
,but as per the experts,his word was always taken into consideration by the king.His literary works include Ghatakarparakavya of 22 verses and Yamaka Kavyam,which are still used by many sanskrit learners as the reference books.
Seventh Gem:Kalidasa
Kalidasa is the only man who is known to common folks,Popularly known as the Mahakavi, his works are regarded as the finest works of Modern Sanskrit Literature. His dramatic works include Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Vikramorvasiyam and Malavikagnimitram.
He has also written a poem depicting the lineage of Lord Ram in Raghuvansham and an another poem called Kumarasambhavam, which discusses the marriage of Lord Shiva.
His work on behaviour of lovers in six different seasons is depicted in Ritusangharam, while Meghdootam remains his Magnum Opus till date.
Eighth Gem: VarahMihira
This man was one of the greatest ancient Indian mathematicians, and is known for his book Pancha Siddhantika. He was the one who gave the concept of what is known as the Pascal's Triangle even before Pascal was born.
He was a renowned astrologer as well and has written a book called Brihat Samhita. His contribution in the field of ancient education of India are exceptional and formed the base of studies of Aryabhatta.
Ninth Gem:Vararuchi
Vararuchi is widely known in Kerala as the father of 12 legends. He was a grammar enthusiast and has produced works in the Sanskrit language. However, his works have been found in the Prakrit language as well, which was the lingua franca of the people.
This thread of Vikramaditya and his Nine gems ends here, I have always found it fascinating to read the forgotten pages of our glorious history,We have a lot to read,lot to explore and lot to share ! We must rebuild the lost consciousness and make Bharata Great again !
The reference I took for this is a thread from the book :
Vikramaditya- by R.K.Mukerjee.
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