I've said this before- and I'll say it again. The concept of "westernisation" (so often vilified as the cause for debauchery) among our youth is a twisted and bastardised version.
They've narrowed it down to freedom to indulge in unadulterated drinking, smoking, promiscuity, https://twitter.com/artyshruti/status/1287957318877868034
scant disregard for authority, wayward, directionless rebellion, self shaming over cultural and religious roots and tradition, blind pop culture worship and zero accountability.
What they HAVEN'T absorbed from Western cultures, are the good bits- independence, accountability..
work ethos, respect for all manner of jobs- from delivering newspapers to being a CEO, open and clear communication, civic pride and sense of responsibility, weaning away from parental dependence - both monetary and unhealthy emotional dependence, managing your student loans..
character building through critical thinking and practical experience of classroom skills (not just mugged up, second hand curated version of the real world), etc.
Now that would be too inconvenient, right?
That's why we have a generation of distorted, dysfunctional mutant SJWs.
Rebels without a cause are the most dangerous kinds for societies. They are filled with angst and self loathing, but not the kind that wants to be counseled or transformed to productivity. It's the kind that needs to destroy, to hurt, to destabilise and with abandon glee.
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