Shandro just admitted in Legislature, that disclosing physician billings is part of Bill 30 because he needed to “defend his credibility”. Shandro didn’t like being challenged, so this is his rebuttal.
Can any Pincher Creek doctors confirm Shandros claim that vacancies for emerge shifts are due to vacations. (I know the answer, but he keeps claiming this).
When will Shandro stop twisting Dr Ratti’s words. Not once, not once did she reference IMGs in Alberta. He’s pathetic.
Amendment to Bill 30, presented at 12:30 am, during the only 2 hrs of debate the UCP have allowed for this Bill, gives the Minister unfettered power to disclose physician billings, patient visit billing code data (I hope non-nominal) and days worked.
This includes disclosure of physicians personal information. This, from a Minister who has cold called a physician after accessing his records, and yelled at another physician on his driveway. This is about intimidation, not Transparency.
NDP read these amendments for the first time, with very little time allowed for debate, the focus is shifted away from the 2-tiered, Corporatized healthcare model the UCP is bring in without evidence to support changes will improve access or cost savings. Only to the contrary.
Red Deer UCP member just joked no one is likely watching at “almost 2 in the morning”. That’s the point. They don’t want people paying attention as they push through their Profit driven model for healthcare.
Same member repeatedly refers to the late hour. Doctors are currently working and not asking for props because they’re doing their job at 2am.
Why does the leader of the party, the “Most Secretive Government in Canada” who created the War Room and who spent $7.6B without disclosing details, pretend to be so concerned with “transparency”.
Physicians have not had an increase in billing code rates, since 2009. We volunteered a $430M paycut in 2016. Spending has gone up because of population growth and increased healthcare usage. There are simply more patients who needed care.
Is Kenney suggesting Physicians directed death threats towards Shandro, and there’s been harassment of his family by NDP members? These are serious accusations.
Again with the “scabs” reference, completely misrepresentation the valid concerns for filling of newly vacant physician spots, with IMGs who can be easily manipulated by this government. In no way related to country of origin. But, no Canadian docs want to come here.
And not at all related to current IMGs working in Alberta. Many of whom are actively fighting against the UCPs Corporatization of healthcare and this Bill.
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