If private aged care was any other industry, we would have shut it down long ago. Imagine if an airline had multiple planes go down, month after month
There are 769 active COVID-19 cases relating to outbreaks in aged care facilities in Victoria right now
The situation at Menarock is a doleful example. 62 COVID cases linked to the Essendon facility. Patients at the end of their life meant to be receiving palliative care - not getting it. Multiple breaches found by the aged care regulator last Thursday ...

$6m profit last year.
In march, the Royal Commission wrote to more than 2,000 facilities asking them about their pandemic preparedness. A suspicious 99% told the Commission that they were meeting the CDNA infection control guidelines https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/news/newsletter/aged-care-quality-bulletin-15-march-2020#proactive%20contact%20with%20residential%20providers%20on%20infection%20control%20and%20pandemic%20preparedness
The CDNA guidelines are interesting, because they specifically mandate that aged care staff should not work across different facilities ... this rule has clearly been breached multiple times in Victoria https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidelines-for-outbreaks-in-residential-care-facilities
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