You're out for a walk down by the beach. Lovely evening.
Your head, hit from behind. Out cold.
You come to, bound and gagged, packed with other poor souls. One in ten of you will die on the journey.
Maybe as many as 15 million share your fate.
You have lost your name, your liberty and your family. You'll end up in Brazil, Cuba, West Indies... You are no longer a human. You are property. Animals are treated better. You built and serviced the new Americas. Four centuries, generation after generation.
Eventually you gain your freedom. But you will never be seen as a fully fledged member of the human race.
In the south almost every state bans you from voting. Your once slave masters turn to the 13th amendment to continue your enslavement. Then there's Jim Crow.
1916, 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, 90% of "freed' slaves were still living in the south, still Dr facto slaves.
Today you're almost 3 times more likely to be incarcerated if you are African American. Unemployment for African Americans has got worse since 1968.
The US Senate declared lynching a federal crime in a)1818 b)1918 c)2018? Aye. It was 2 years ago. 1955, 14 yr old Emmett Till murdered for allegedly whistling at a white woman. The sign that marks where his body was found has been vandalised repeatedly since it was placed in 2017
2016, the average African American household is worth $17K. The average white household? $170K.
In NYC if you're Black you're 9 times more likely to be stopped by police. Despite using drugs at a similar rate, if you're Black you're 6 times more likely to get arrested.
Black men receive almost 20% longer jail sentences for identical crimes carried out by White Americans. For every dollar a White American earns, Black workers earn 60 cents.
I don't know about you but isn't it time to move on from talking about slavery and blaming everything on being dispossessed and degraded for 400 years?
White Lives Matter too...

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