Joining in with alot of others who've said this, but. Calorie counting is not symptomatic of a healthy relationship w food.
Dieting isn't effective, we need a focus on health REGARDLESS of weight. & acknowledgement of how toxic diet & fitness culture is for so many. Esp women.
Most, literally almost all people who diet, over-restrict to see the numbers on the scale go down and then gain the weight back (and then some) when they inevitably give up.
Diet culture is so deeply ingrained through our society and such a huge drain on esp womens energy.
Govt health policy should focus on wellbeing. That means more leisure time, more childcare, more green spaces esp in poorer neighbourhoods. More inclusive P.E. in schools, more action to counter pervasive culture of valuing only very slim, very young women, more affordable food.
How about addressing our longstanding cultural problem of binge drinking? And doing this through thoughtful compassionate means; shorter hours, more youth services, better access to & destigmatisation of therapy esp for men.
Our society is sick and possibly getting sicker, but the solution isn't forcing us to try to eat less than what satisfies us for short bursts until we crack and adding and extra dollop if guilt on it. It is planning a society that is primarily driven by achieving wellbeing.
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