lmaoooo Antifa’s rep - the Mayor - would like to discuss a cease-fire with DHS https://twitter.com/tedwheeler/status/1287921895686303745
idk maybe see what you can do about these guys @tedwheeler and get back to us https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287992568995667970?s=21 https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287992568995667970
Looks like your guys are firing first.... can you get them to oh, idk, cease? https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287996276982730759?s=21 https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287996276982730759
@tedwheeler can you ask them to cease throwing trash into the already burning fire? I know our demands are lengthy, but if you want to negotiate a cease-fire we’re going to need a showing of good faith. Let us know! https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287992986555437066?s=21 https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287992986555437066
Oh and @tedwheeler I know I can be a little stubborn and not let things go, but it’s ok that you repeatedly lied and said things were peaceful. Bygones.
Also, we don’t care that just two weeks ago you said you’d decline any meeting. Let’s do this cease-fire, but you guys first! Good talk, @tedwheeler !
@tedwheeler this fire doesn’t look like it’s getting smaller; indeed, it appears to be growing. How are we going to have a cease-fire with your people don’t cease and instead continue to attempt to burn down buildings. I’m confused 😕 https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287998322196660225?s=21 https://twitter.com/venturareport/status/1287998322196660225
@tedwheeler I feel like I’m being left on read here. My man, talk to me. I’m particularly interested in the cease-fire by your guys. I was under the impression (from the MSM) they have been mostly peaceful.
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