It is absolutely stunning to me how politicized our COVID response has been. The hydroxy story today illustrates this perfectly for me. IDK if it works or not, and it doesn’t matter for this post if it does or not.
I’m not doctor, haven’t studied any of this so my opinion on that medication is worth exactly zero. But it’s interesting to me that almost universally people on the political right want this drug to work and push it. People on the left almost universally want to downplay it...
...and discourage it, saying it’s dangerous. I don’t know what true here, but I do know this...truth doesn’t care about your opinions or your feelings. Either this medication works or it doesn’t. That’s objective. No ones subjective opinion plays into the reality.
So why are our scientists, doctors, media, etcetera not collectively searching for truth? Why do we have two sets of “experts” with vastly differing opinions on this drug in particular but the pandemic in genral? Because at the end of the day, most people don’t care about truth.
Rather, most people in this seem only to care about politics. And that’s tragic, because who then gets hurt? We the people. The more propaganda that’s out there, the harder it is to discern truth.
Examine your conscience. Are you more moved by who you hope wins the White House in November, or in truly finding solutions?
Early on in this, I remember seeing a tweet from @caseyofm essentially saying that he had to examine his conscience to see if he would care if COVID went away if those with whom he disagreees politically got credit. (Sorry for how wordy that is).
Props to him...he gets it. It isn’t about politics. And that goes for the left and the right. I suspect @caseyofm and I disagree on more than we agree politically. But that’s ok. I give him credit for trying to see beyond the scope of November 3.
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