Good morning from downtown portlands courthouse! There seems to be a couple hundred people out here tonight.
I was going to be at the witches tent tonight but it appears they are out and about, so I shall wander.
There is a LOT of press out here tonight and I dont quite know what to make of that. Im seeing some expensive equipment filming from too far back to see the fence, and a whole bunch of new faces since the last time i was out.
Federal protective service making an announcement i can't hear over the crowd. They attempted to speak up but were drowned out again
Crowd chants "feds go home" in response to whatever that announcement was
Tear gas (or maybe smoke) is out and the crowd is falling back a bit
And theres the leaf blowers kicking on
A not insignificant number of the crowd members remained at the fence and im kinda impressed
The part of the crowd that did disperse has now mostly made their way back to the fence and the crowd is chanting "Black Lives Matter"
Someone just skateboarded by me selling roses. Moments before the federal protective service made another announcement that was drowned out by the crowds cries of displeasure.
It sounds like they're warning that this *may* be declared an unlawful assembly? Haven't heard that one before.
"F12 We not stoppin"
Not much is happening. Some chanting, some fence shaking. But I found this really pretty skull design on the wall between 3rd and 4th on salmon.
An air horn and music drown out another federal protective service announcement
Feds sound frustrated they can't get a word in edgewise.
Pepper balls and more tear gas just went out
Leaf blowers and air horns respond to the feds hostilities.
I'm seeing tear gas launched from the fed on the balcony on i think the 9th floor?
I havent seen the feds out yet. They seem to just throw some gas and go back inside from what I can see.
Crowd has resumed chanting "Black Lives Matter" now the gas has mostly cleared.
I havent seen trumpet guy tonight, but I have seen a saxophone guy, and just now, a tambourine person.
Literally as I wrote that trumpet guy began playing. Welcome back trumpet guy.
More tear gas whooooo!
(Whooo was me imitating the air horns that keep going in response to the gas, not a celebratory remark)
PPB just rolled by 3rd and taylor with lights flashing
Only one vehicle tho
Everybody out here tonight like
Once more the gas has cleared and folks return to the fence. The feds try to make an announcement and again, air horns and the crowd drowns them out.
Its @BaghdadBrian's birthday today and somebody wished him a happy birthday and like six total strangers chimed in with their own birthday wishes. That was neat.
Also im being told Peterson mini mart on 4th is open and doing business now that the 711 is closed.
Idk if that was tear gas or just a big cloud of smoke from a firework but it was pretty in the street lights
Flashbangs out as the crowd moves down 3rd towards taylor
I'm hearing pepperballs and the imperial theme going
Just saw a canister fired wayyyyy behind the crowd. Two now.
Welcome to 1am. We seem to be under attack!
Someone got on a megaphone to say "federal officers you are not wanted or needed here, leave immediately" continues with a message ordering the feds and PPB to disperse immediately and warns that the use of crowd control munitons will be a human rights violation.
Megaphone person is informing the feds of the TRO. I appreciate that. They told the feds to "exercise extreme caution and get the hell out of our city"
The feds have a strobe light theyre shining at people. Its super not fun.
I went to take some pictures and they put the strobe right on me. Unpleasant!
Music has resumed as the feds hold their line at 3rd and salmon. The crowd im near holds at 3rd and taylor.
I can hear a leaf blower in the distance. My new gas mask seems to be working because my skin burns but i can't smell anything.
The feds on 4th font seem to have a strobe but they deployed a lot more gas.
Saw someone hit in the leg, two others carry them down the street and help them find a medic.
A lot of loud booms happening rn. Im too scared of getting shot to not be around the corner rn tho. A speaker somewhere on 3rd is playing music despite all this.
Looks like the feds may have retreated. I see people near the fence again
A protester near me suggests the feds only went back in to get more tear gas.
Feds roll out to 3rd and taylor then return to the courthouse.
It seems the witches tent is partially collapsed. Unclear if it was intentional or if it just got trampled in the rush out of the park
Someone appears to have dropped all their ammo right next to the witches tent
It seems from what I can see the witches tent damage wasn't intentional at this point. Unopened cookies and a bag of clothes remain untouched.
My mask is so spicy 😭
@JFlorencePDX got hit pretty bad in the last rush. Theyre okay but im gonna give them a ride out.
Correction to the earlier post about the witches tent. It reeks in there. Looks like it was intentionally destroyed but only the medical supplies.
When I was headed out @Cascadianphotog was on the scene at the witches tent.
Jasper is out and safe, im heading back into it now.
Vibrational check: there's like 50 people left here. A good number of medics. Kind seems like federal hostilities may have wrapped up for the night.
Not Riot Ribs just announced they stop cooking at 3:30 and will start back up at 9am.

They followed that up with, "we'll be going every day till election day"
Has anyone found a brown wallet with braided edges out here tonight? Someone is asking around after it. It has their ID and 9 bucks cash.
The street cleaner vehicle is circling the park, kicking up CS dust on everybody. I do not find it enjoyable.
Someone has just informed me that there's a version of the blue lives matter flag that has a yellow stripe and stands for "loss prevention lives matter"

I am having trouble processing this information.
Welp, im tired and hungry and despite the fact that the folks who violently expelled the riot ribs people are cooking again due to some mild outrage, i think im gonna head home rather than partake of their grift.

I miss riot ribs. They washed their hands.
Someone is slowly driving through the streets repeating, "Black Lives Matter" through a megaphone over and over. Im maybe two blocks from the park now.
I made it home okay. Didn't really get any pictures worth posting last night so /thread gnight!
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