Check on your friends man. Depression is a real thing especially rn in the midst of a pandemic where a lot has transpired from not leaving homes to racial inequality and injustice. Seeing ppl get murdered for no reason and being in a pandemic can cause a sense of hopelessness
BUT YOU GOTTA KEEP FIGHTING. There is hope at the end of this tunnel. We are making progress. And if it’s more personal then keep battling because it’s not about how you fall it’s about how you get up. And the fact that you’re fighting is a win.
If you need someone to listen, someone to scream at, someone to cry with, I am here. I offer myself. Because no one should have to go through this alone. Again man make sure you check on your friends. That one call to say how are you doing could change someone’s whole outlook
My basketball coach always told me use my superpower for good. And I will continue to use my platform for good. And I wanna offer that same message out. Use your superpower for good. We all have one, deep down you know what it is. So use it to help others.
And now I’ll get off my soap box but before I do. I’ll leave you with this quote. “Without the darkness of night, we would never see the stars”. Here is the number for the Suicide hotline. If you are in need of someone to talk to. They will help 1 (800) 273-8255
You can follow @LynBWT.
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