#Bkdk #Smut #Nsfw #Bnha #Mha #Bakudeku
Thread Part 2
Omega Izuku finds himself in an empty cell block during his prison sentence. By sheer fluke, Alpha Katsuki is placed in the next cell over. Will Izuku survive the night?
Part 1: https://twitter.com/cummandzero/status/1286140070521520128?s=21
Izuku got out on good behaviour. It came as a shock as well as a blow to his emotional stability. He was leaving a place of punishment, going back to his old life of writing books and working for his mother’s restaurant, but he was also leaving behind Katsuki, the blond alpha
that never left his mind ever since that night.

Katsuki lingers tauntingly through his memories and materializes in his strangely vivid dreams. Sometimes Izuku feels Katsuki’s hands on his body, roaming his waist and thighs, his voice whispering dirty things into his ear and
his exliterating scent seeping from every inch of his erotic frame. Katsuki would tease him endlessly, hands barely caressing the parts of Izuku in need of his dire attention. Just as the blond smirks down at him, scarlet eyes brimming with arousal and enticing vigour, the omega
awakens in a cold sweet.

His mother would tell him to forget about that criminal, find a nice beta, and get married. It’s a life Izuku once dreamed of before stealing cars for a living so he could pay for his mother’s medical bills. Now the thought of forgetting Katsuki felt so
distasteful to him. Izuku believes it’s probably because of the squirming child currently making a home in his womb.

Izuku places his groceries on the counter of his apartment, a sigh escaping him as soon as his bags hit the counter with a heavy thud. Seats on the bus had been
taken up completely with multiple people packed into the back and front. No one must have seen his baby bump through his multiple layers, so he refuses to blame anyone for his aching back. He reminisces the days he could stand on his feet for hours on end without the stabbing
pain in his lower back and in the balls of his feet.

The omega removes the outermost layer and throws it onto the counter too, leaving him in his oversized sweater. His little one kicks softly at him and Izuku giggles to himself.

“Ouchy…” He mumbles quietly, rubbing the
underside of his belly. His eyes finally glance upwards toward his living room and that’s when he sees it.

A silhouette of man stands in the middle of his living room, darkness shrouding him from identification, but at the same time, casting an air of familiarity.
The omega’s heart pounds perilously in the cavity of his chest, petrified at the notion of a mysterious man entering his apartment. Izuku ruminates about the man’s purpose in his home, the likelihood of his home invader taking part in violent tendencies or murderous tangents.
Adrenaline thrums in his veins and the omega sucks in a brief breath of air. His feet move before his mind can truly acknowledge the movement, commencing the chase between predator and prey.

Footsteps echo behind him as his lithe fingers slip on the chain lock sealing his door
from the outside hall. Regret bubbles in the pit of his empty stomach, rising into his throat in a petrified shriek. The chain falls with a clack against the wooden frame and Izuku’s palm envelopes the handle when the man approaches him from behind. The man’s hand captures his
neck, pressing the omega’s cheek into the door frame as the golden chain swings tauntingly before him.

The green haired omega winces at the initial pain, taking it in and eventually transforming it into adrenaline.

Izuku shrieks and kicks back at his captor; his foot grazes
the man’s shins and stomps on his toes inside his leather shoe. The man still holds fast, gripping Izuku’s hair and forcing the shaking omega to bear his throat.

“Don’t even fucking try it. You’re mine, did you forget, Deku?” His scent hasn’t changed from it’s campfire-like
musk, radiating warmth and calming Izuku’s nerves from their once frightened state. His voice remains the same as he spoke Izuku’s pet name, echoing into the omega’s ear and casting a sense of security over him despite it’s aggressive nature.

“K-Katsuki?” Izuku whimpers out,
barely audible to either of them in such close quarters. In his dreams, he could feel Katsuki just like he does now; his body heat radiating from him, his scent wrapping Izuku in a sense of security and his piercing crimson eyes gazing deep into Izuku’s soul.
The man in question chuckles, turning Izuku around, hand secretly upon Izuku’s pulsing throat.

The alpha still appears unchanged by his months of prison and his apparent escape. His blond hair remains unfazed, the only exception being his newly shaven undercut.
Katsuki’s clothing from the orange jumpsuit had taken a drastic turn with the blond clad in a black suit, silk grey dress shirt unbuttoned to expose the silver chain hanging from his neck as well as the defined muscles of his pectorals. Izuku doesn’t know if he preferred the
dominant jail bird ensemble or the dashing suit Katsuki adorns with exceptional skill. His cuff links at the end of his shirt catches Izuku’s attention next to the extravagant Rolex on the blond’s wrist.

“What? You didn’t think I’d come for you?” He chides the omega, applying
the slightest of pressure to Izuku’s delicate throat. Izuku stares with shock lingering in his emerald eyes.

“But… You’re supposed to be-” Izuku doesn’t know how to even ask why Katsuki is in his apartment and not in a frigid cell surrounded by other alphas and betas.
Katsuki smiles at the sputtering omega, inserting himself between Izuku’s quivering legs.

“In a cell? I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else having you, so I decided I stayed there long enough. Escaping prison is easier when you run a crime syndicate.” The blond chuckles.
His free hand descends to knead the green haired omega’s thigh and nuzzle his face into Izuku’s neck. Izuku’s cheeks burn a brilliant blush and even more so when Katsuki’s hand follows up his thighs to his ass.

“I-I don’t understand-”
“I’m here to take what’s mine. I’m going to breed your pretty little ass so good you’ll only ever be able to think about me. We’re going to finish what we started-” Katsuki claims Izuku’s lips with a level of barbarity Izuku is entirely unfamiliar with. The omega doesn’t fight it
and becomes piliant under the blond’s assertive actions, struggling to keep up under Katsuki’s complete control.

The alpha removes himself from Izuku’s lips to listen to each and every persistent whine and whimper erupting from the omega’s throat. Izuku lightly pulls on
Katsuki’s wrist to remove the blond’s hand from his throat, panting from their heady kiss moments prior. His head floats in the foggy clouds hued in crimson and smokey euphoria, dangerously dangling on the precipice of lucid thought.

Katsuki relinquishes his domain from the
omega’s fragile throat only to snatch up Izuku’s wrists in the process. He holds Izuku’s freckled wrists above his head, stretching beyond his normal capacity, leaving the omega completely vulnerable to Katsuki’s aggressive advances.
“I’m gonna enjoy myself when I claim that pretty little neck of yours.” The thought of Katsuki claiming him, branding his mark into the soft skin of his neck has electricity leaping from Izuku’s body, zapping his bones, leaving him in a spell of blushing and a stupefied trance.
He had been prepared to take care of his baby on his own, vowing to protect whatever he has left in the wake of their forbidden affair. Now in the wake of Katsuki’s abrupt, graceless confession, Izuku remains utterly stunned and most of all, speechless.
“Nothing? Are we back to this already?” Izuku snaps from his trance to see Katsuki staring deep into his emerald eyes, holding the omega’s attention with his sharp remark.

“No! It’s just…”

Izuku attempts to think of a way to confess, to tell the blond that he is the father
of the baby currently growing inside him, but the words evade him.

“Should I help you remember why you’re mine?” The scent of Katsuki stifles Izuku in a musk he cannot escape. The omega breathes in the scent of campfire and sweet chocolate, acquiescently slipping
into a heat like haze.

“Y-you have to be gentle,” Izuku breathlessly claims out of pure instinct, cheeks rosey and eyes hazy. Katsuki holds Izuku with his one hand pinning Izuku to the door, refusing to let him fall.

“Oh? You weren’t saying that the last time.” Katsuki smirks,
bringing his spare hand in between Izuku’s legs to give a soft squeeze, contradicting his words and heeding Izuku’s request.

“Last time I-I wasn’t carrying your baby...”

Izuku’s words halt Katsuki from moving any further. The blond acts as if suddenly a statue, completely
overtaken by an overwhelming emotion that wracks his body and eventually forces him to act.

Katsuki releases Izuku’s hands from above his head and slowly reaches for the omega. Izuku keeps himself upright, leaning fully on the door and locking his wobbling knees.
His mind lingers on the cautious nature of Katsuki’s current movements in comparison to his previous one’s. He finds the action endearing as his mind grows foggier by the minute.

The blond’s fingertips touch Izuku’s belly first, spreading out until his hand comes completely
flush to Izuku’s sweater, feeling the shape of his once flat abdomen. Katsuki sucks in a deep breath and holds it, his thumb traces the smallest circle over Izuku’s bump. The omega’s stomach flips in anticipation.

The alpha’s crimson eyes flicker up to Izuku’s worried ones,
taking in his nervous expression and his slightly shaking hands.

“I put a fucking baby in you,” An egotistical smirk blooms across Katsuki’s lips once again. He arrogantly analyses Izuku’s form and admires the exquisite way Izuku fills out in his oversized sweater and leggings.
“Kacchan…” Izuku whines from his place against the door, neglecting to acknowledge giving Katsuki his own pathetic pet name. He feels himself slowly slipping away into the comforting scent of Katsuki. In his dreams, he imagined Katsuki’s scent lulling him into a place of
tranquility, yet the reality only pushes him deep into the thick of desire and want.

“I forgot how fucking cute you are.” The blond chuckles, taking in every lewd expression on Izuku’s face and how his eyes brimming with tears of need. Desperation engulfs Izuku’s frame of mind
that he feels is a steadily losing battle.

“Here, suck.” Katsuki brings his middle finger and ring finger to Izuku’s awaiting. The omega rejects the gesture at first, shying away in favour of Katsuki’s full attention.

The alpha shoots him a glare, forcing his fingers along
Izuku’s tongue and in close proximity to his molars. Izuku is suddenly reminded of their first encounter and accepts Katsuki’s fingers into his mouth, greedily suckling on them, tongue lapping on every inch of available skin.

The action works as a distraction from Katsuki’s
true intentions.

In the midst of it all, Izuku doesn’t sense the blunt force delivered to the front of his legging or the sound of fabric tearing harmoniously. The fact of his nudeness doesn’t register in Izuku’s brain as it should have if he weren’t so affected by
Katsuki’s scent.

“Our baby made you so soft, Deku.” The alpha comments, all too pleased with Izuku’s appearance and him being solely responsible for it.

He removes his fingers from Izuku’s mouth, sliding his index finger along the omega’s tongue to his cherry lips.
Katsuki traces Izuku’s bottom lip with his damp fingertip, captivated by Izuku’s expression of desire. Katsuki curtly shifts the omega to face the door, hands splayed atop the wood and Izuku’s back arched beautifully. Izuku attempts to correct the position, yearning for the
alpha’s attention and to have Katsuki in his line of sight when the blond releases a threatening growl, menacing in which he demands submission. The alpha’s hand comes to force Izuku’s cheek to the door, securing him to the wood.

“I wonder how many times I can make you cum -
without even fucking you...” The rhetorical question has Izuku preening at the thought of Katsuki’s hands on his heated body. It’s all he ever wanted and then some. He’d happily die if it meant he’d have Katsuki to himself for just a small while.
The omega jumps as a hand smacks across his rear, causing him to yelp in pain, but also pleasure. Katsuki does the same to the opposite side, kneading the flesh afterwards with the pads of his fingers, purposely leaving marking of his palms along Izuku’s skin.
It all feels miniscule compared to Izuku’s anticipation leading up to being marked by an alpha he’s fantasized about for months.

Slick dribbles down the inside of Izuku’s thighs, dripping down to his calves and eventually to the hardwood floors. Katsuki releases Izuku from his
hold to bend down to come face to face with Izuku’s leaking hole. He hums, taking in the erotic sight all while the omega keeps himself flush with the apartment door.

“Kacchan,”Izuku calls breathlessly, glancing back at the alpha holding his hips and pushing them toward him.
Katsuki’s mouth comes to lap up every ounce of slick he can possibly collect, tasting his sweet omega on his tongue. The scent and taste of morning dew, fresh lime, and lavender wafts from Izuku’s slick and dancing on Katsuki’s taste buds.
The alpha’s tongue laps along Izuku’s rim, nudging Izuku’s entrance in an interested prode. Izuku pushes back on Katsuki and whines for more, anything more than what he’s giving. The arousal festering deep under his skin helps little to none with the alpha’s teasing prodes
and satisfied rumbles. Katsuki grunts, taking Izuku’s hips and forcing him to remain still and under control. Katsuki’s fingers pinch the curve of the omega’s hips, gladly taking advantage of the new baby weight and Izuku’s submissive state.

Katsuki withdraws and stands to his
full height. Satisfaction evades his partner to the point of Izuku protesting in long groans and forced breaths pouring from his lungs. No longer feels Katsuki’s heated palms on his body sends him into a state of dissatisfaction and frustration. The unbearable urge to take a
knot, to suck, touch, fuck, overwhelms Izuku’s entire frame and gradually infests his mind until a sweet sexual haze settles.

“I’m going to enjoy watching you fall apart, minute by fucking minute, hour by fucking hour. Your pretty little ass is mine.” Katsuki reaches for Izuku’s
hair, hoisting the omega back and forcing Izuku to arch, throat exposed to Katsuki’s pleasure; Izuku feels the alpha’s pulse on his neck and how it beats against his skin.

The freckles omega jumps at the sensation of Katsuki’s hard member gliding atop his twitching hole, teasing
him heartlessly. Izuku’s slick becomes lubricant for each slide, coating the alpha’s cock and knot in a thin layer of omega pheromones.

“Kacchan! P-please!” Izuku wails to the alpha who seems to ignore his requests in favour of teasing the omega into insanity.
His free hand grips Izuku’s hip, finding satisfaction in the way Izuku mewls and wiggles his hips in absolute disgruntlement and protest.

Izuku finds himself so entranced in his own conflict that he never saw it coming.

Katsuki slams his hips into the omega’s ass,
unconcerned with Izuku’s reaction as his hole clenches around Katsuki’s cock, still refusing to take his knot, but that’ll change in due time.

The omega cries out, first in pain as the alpha’s cock sinks past his defenses, sliding in the pools of Izuku’s natural wetness, and
then in pleasure as Katsuki settles inside him. Their bodies pulse insync, clenching and rutting in reaction to the other’s scorching heat. Izuku respire, eyes staring up into the ceiling of his apartment, oblivious to his sounds and the possibility of someone listening to him in
the hall just on the other side of the door. His legs shake on and off with his hands planted on the door for any support he can get.

“Fuck…” The blond grows lowly, pressing deeper into the omega’s body and soaking his knot in more omegan slick. Katsuki can’t help but to
rock his hips into the sweet, addicting heat, overtaken in the sensations as well as the scent of the green haired omega.

Izuku pushes back on the alpha and Katsuki releases his hand on Izuku’s hair. His hand travels down to Izuku’s hips, taking hold of the flesh there and
anchoring down to sway in an enticing rhythm. Katsuki takes pride in his painstakingly slow thrusts and exceptional placement, harshly fucking into Izuku without any remorse.

“Ah!” Izuku’s arms brace against the door, holding his freckled face from launching into the wood.
The alpha seems to be unperturbed by his vigorous barrage he unleashes upon Izuku and how the omega’s head nearly slams into the door each time he bottoms out into his sweet freckled ass.

Izuku couldn’t help how his whimpers and moans slip from his lips and pollutes the air with
erotic sounds that surely seep into the shared hallway. His mellifluous wailing could dance into the ears of his elderly neighbour or perhaps the college boy down the hall. Each thought of such voyeurism has Izuku’s senses heightened and painfully alert.

Katsuki’s hands move to
Izuku’s waist, fucking into him from a whole new angle that produces a cry from the omega out in shock. He hits every sweet spot Izuku could possibly have and then some. The curve of the blond’s cock crooks into Izuku’s hole and milks a carnal yelp from him.
The alpha’s fully clothed body rubs on Izuku, ragged breath fluttering by the shell of his ear and the sickly addicting scent soaking into Izuku’s pores with every thrust. Katsuki finds himself pistoning into Izuku and pressing his knot into the sopping wet cavern of his omega.
In lieu of Katsuki tapping into unused strength, his knot pops into place and Izuku preens for the second time that night at the fullness surging through his body. The blond grunts, taking his knot from Izuku’s hole all too soon and pulling out entirely. Izuku whines at the
sudden loss and the lack of physical contact.

Katsuki reaches for Izuku’s right leg, hiking it up until Izuku’s remaining leg dangles to a point. Izuku’s shoulder comes flush with the cold door while his right ankle barely passes the blond’s shoulder. A shiver rips up Izuku’s
spine and then down to his toes despite the burning of his muscles stretching to the alpha’s desired point.

The alpha struggles to realign himself with Izuku’s quivering entrance, smearing pre-cum along the omega’s ass cheek until he finds the trail of steadily flowing slick.
He thrusts into Izuku at an expeditious pace, favouring to quickly begin his assault rather than drag it on and tease the omega even more. Izuku holds onto the coat hook screwed above his head and takes the continuous mantra of Katsuki propelling into his pilant body.
The ball of tension in Izuku’s stomach pulses, tightening in his core with the repeated prodes and stimulation of his prostate. He feels he’s going to go tumbling over the edge, engulfed by Katsuki’s groans and husk voice in Izuku’s ear.

“That’s it, cum for me, Deku-”
Katsuki pulls Izuku’s face around by his chin, crashing their lips together, tongues mixing along with their desire for one another. Izuku’s entire body contracts, the tension in his abdomen snapping and projecting him into pleasure beyond that of their first night.
Katsuki swallows each and every moan Izuku produces, entranced by the way the omega convulses and cries out for him. Izuku is entirely dependent on Katsuki in that very moment and even more so when Katsuki pops his knot in past Izuku’s twitching walls. The omega shrieks at
the pressure fondling his precious sweet spot, milking his orgasm past normal limits.

The blond spares no mercy for Izuku, targeting every single bundle of nerves inside his smaller frame. Katsuki’s knot rubs his insides to a whole new completion, rocking him into a world
filled with stars and darkness spotting his vision.

The alpha grunts, finding his head in the crook of Izuku’s neck at the moment of his climax; his teeth bury themselves in the soft skin there and allow his mouth to fill with a small amount of his omega’s blood.
It tastes metallic on his tongue, lingering sweetness tingling his taste buds just the same as Izuku’s slick did. He holds there until the throbbing in his cock dies down, unloading hot cum into his new mate.

There is a moment of bliss between the new mates, a silence where
only their hard breathing and hearts beating in sync can be heard. Izuku’s leg falls from Katsuki’s shoulder and the alpha quickly wraps Izuku’s legs around his waist to keep his mate from falling.

Katsuki retracts his teeth from Izuku’s neck, lapping up any extra drops of
blood that escape and inhaling the omega’s modified scent seeping from his pores. The alpha smirks to himself and into the crook of his dazed mate’s neck.

“You’re mine.” Katsuki growls into Izuku’s ear. The omega turns his head, nuzzling his nose into Katsuki’s hair and
indulging in his smokey scent.

“I’m yours.”

[ E N D ]
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