Since I joined Twitter, there are really great quotes from some accounts that I had to write on my wall as a constant reminder to my journey.

Each account deserves a follow, really great and amazing content.👇👇
1. Every penny you try to save on books will cost you a pound. @thescorpionphil

2. Die a legend. @HooaFury

3. If you begin. You win. @hustlerbrent

4. Remember to remain mission oriented. @MidnightUDog

5. Obsession breeds mastery. @ChroniclesNate
6. Become an expert at something. @DeeperThrill

7. I'm on a mission to leave a legacy that is worth leaving. @BuildBigMoney1

8. Do not seek fairness in an unfair world, Seek capitalization. @TheDeeGroup

9. Reading is masturbation of the mind. @AyAy_Ron69
10. The most creative content always comes from a place of stillness. @FreedomPathGo

11. Work on things that you're genuinely interested in. @CMillerTalks

12. You can't sell shoes if you're barefoot, Practice what you preach. @justinekedi
13. Start your morning, with plans to conquer the day. @SCmamaofDL

14. failure & pain are meant to be teachers 𝗡𝗢𝗧 companions. L𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻 & 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗴𝗼. @ambitiousmichhh

15. Success does not come by chance. It comes by choice. @ZeroToHeroZer
16. You learn nothing if you think you're right all the time. @hustlenconquer

17. Power only comes to those who are indirect with it. @DarkTriadTheory

18. The path is the goal and The goal is the path. @BeyondInvestor
19. Instead of working hard to become wealthy, train yourself to be satisfied with what you have. @Route2FI

20. Domestic sucks! Be wild, be the beast you should be. @IAmAccurate4_20
21. Never be controlled by,Money, people and your past, It will make things worst. @Renhustles

22. Motivation is not reliable, Habits are, Set yourself for success. @HeroJourneyOn
23. Play by your own rules. @MindMusMoney

24. Fear Kills Growth. @aaronhaynes15

25. If it doesn’t feel right, Don’t do it, That's the lesson, And that lessons alone will save you a lot of grief. @HustlingForever
26. You’re really going to piss off a lot of people once you start doing what’s best for you. @OliverJones_19

27. If you're going to do anything. Do it big. @HustleWithRoss

28. Money doesn't change people, it only brings out their true nature. @MoneyandHonor
29. The perfect time does not exist. You will die waiting for it. @wisdom_theory

30. Big words are overrated. @ArmaniTalks
31. Don't tell me what I can't do. @LifeMathMoney

I have learnt alot from all the above accounts and more. I believe you can't miss one quote from the 31 accounts.

I have received motivation from all of them and so can you.

🙏🙏 Thank you 🙏🙏
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