Am set to live tweet till 4pm from an online #MHLivedExperience forum, hosted by
@MentalHealthVic @vichealthassoc with input from @VMIAC @tandemcarers & many others. Great if you can tune in. We'll publish a story later in the week.
Dr Stephanie Allen @Deloitte opening, talking about the emphasis we put on experience. Lived experience doesn't happen by stealth, when talk re incorporating in design/infrastructure of mental health, have to be very deliberate in way we do it #MHLivedExperience
Jacqui Gibson offers Acknowledgement of Country. Victorian Traditiona Owners maintain sovereignty, they have never ceded it and long called for a Treaty. Through strength of resilience and pride, their cultures and communities continue to thrive today. #MHLivedExperience
Great to see such a diverse representation of the mental health sector and to have so many with lived experience, says @tom_symondson. Impact of COVID19 only beginning to emerge, on top of issues that were already acute. #MHLivedExperience
Now hearing from @VMIAC's Dr Tricia Szirom - not representing but presenting the voice of lived experience, she says.

We're not saying anything new. Been saying for a long time. Unfortunately they are then ignored.
First up is a video from @VMIAC - following conversations with 150 consumers - envisioning a future "where mental health services are truly listening to the needs and interests of people with mental health challenges"
The video heralds a new world of mental health care where “perhaps the most important change is that there is a choice in the options that people have for their therapies and support. They're in control of what happens to them.” #MHLivedExperience
A major principle that exists is that one size doesn't fit all. This means that each person is seen as unique and the best guide to their own experience. #MHLivedExperience
And this is true regardless of what we call ourselves. Whether it is people with lived experience of emotional distress, trauma, mental health challenges, or neurodiversity. #MHLIvedExperience
If you have ever been in an acute hospital you'll be delighted to hear that acute beds are now in the range of settings. Most are in the community and are committed to healing through strengths based solutions, focused therapies and support. #MHLivedExperience
Gender safety and the safety and inclusivity of LGBTQI+ and CALD consumers are priorities in every setting. There's a new understanding we all have different needs due to biological and cultural factors. We all know that safety is fundamental to any treatment being successful.
Therapy and support is now offered in the home and community organizations, peer led agencies and in respite centres. And there is a great balance between medication and meditation, as well as yoga instructors and psychiatrists. #MHLivedExperience
The predominant group of workers are peer workers and therapists who have a holistic approach to therapy ... including art therapy, music therapy, pet therapy,narrative and group therapy, which are all funded through Medicare. #MHLivedExperience
All of these services are easily accessible with simple ways of moving from one service to another, especially when we are in crisis.

And the settings have changed. Nature has been recognized as an integral component of healing. #MHLivedExperience
Codesign, co-production and collaboration are the foundation of the treatment service system, and all decisions about service design involve people with lived experience of mental distress.

An exciting collaborative centre has brought together consumers, carers, researchers, clinical services to research the best trauma- informed models of intervention and treatment, focusing on what we see as the issues and the best ways of addressing them. #MHLivedExperience
One of the many projects happening in the centre is the impact of the SDOH that create and exacerbate some of our mental illnesses, such as lack of housing, employment, addiction and family violence. #MHLivedExperience
As a result there is a shifting community understanding that what is happening to us is important and as a result we are treated with compassion, love and equity.

Ends a moving video vision from @vmiac #MHLivedExperience
Now Marie Piu from @tandemcarers is presenting at #MHLivedExperience
Hearing now at #MHLivedExperience from a carer who says mental health professionals knock off and go home, family and friends do not.

"My practice enormously influenced by my personal experience." He says it is not well understood the isolation that can happen.
Carer talks about getting support: 'two 6' guys, hugging and holding back tears'.

At worst people with mental health are blamed, at best misunderstood.

"Mental illness is the only illness today where it remains acceptable to blame the sufferer." #MHLivedExperience
"We're not an add-on, not an optional extra, we need to be active and included team members. We are absolutely essential to moving forward." #MHLivedExperience
We're being introduced now at #MHLivedExperience to facilitators of breakout room discussions - including @Dpeters1977!
These are the topics for #MHLivedExperience breakouts
I'm in the Evidence-Informed & Outcomes-Focused breakout room at #MHLivedExperience.

We're looking at how ensure co-design/co-production will have voice of lived experience as central to organisational & system monitoring, evaluation, & evidence.
Here are some early thoughts at our breakout at #MHLivedExperience
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