The pandemic didn't turn millennials into socialists.

Getting red-lined into shitty school districts, growing up in poverty, being told we could be anything when we grew up only to discover that we had to work 80 hours a week to accomplish that turned us into socialists.
Working retail jobs where boomers abused us and our employers did nothing to protect us turned us into socialists. Not being able to ever take a vacation day that wasn't a sick day turned us into socialists. Working until we burn out turned us into socialists.
Making $12 an hour and then getting an offer for $20 an hour only to have my boss match it after watching me struggle to pay my bills turned me into a socialist.
Having to live with chronic illness but having anxiety about going to the doctor because of medical bills turned me into a socialist.

Living with undiagnosed ADHD for 30 years because I couldn't afford to see a doctor turned me into a socialist.
Buying my first house at age 30 and only being able to do so because the Seattle Light rail forcibly removed me from the house I was renting turned me into a socialist. Seeing my friends never be able to realize their dreams of home ownership turned me into a socialist.
My friends realizing they'll NEVER be able to afford to have a family turned me into a socialist. Seeing all of my daughters friends who live in Section 8 Housing get shipped off to worse schools because they don't own their homes turned me into a socialist.
Seeing the income and wealth gap between Latinx, Black and Indigenous people compared to white people turned me into a socialist.

Feeling guilty for taking ANY amount of time off work turned me into a socialist.
Although if I'm being COMPLETELY honest, banging @ssmanxman turned me into a socialist and then in turn everyone I banged turned into a socialist as a result.

Socialism is my favorite STI.
STI = Sexually Transmitted Ideology
Anyway, end of thread. I am cute an funny and we're all totally fucked but hey I'm a board game peddling angry socialist. Go follow @GuildhallStudio where I promote a bunch of cool writing and art by a bunch of talented people.
You can follow @BoldBebo.
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