I talked to my mom today, we talked about my fears for this nation. I've seen a lot in life. Some of it is public. Most of it I will never talk about publicly for reasons. But talking to my mom today I pleaded for her to #Vote and helped her update her voter registration... 1/n
We may not all agree on specific issues. That's actually healthy. But we all must pause and draw the line. What we once knew as the @GOP is no more. It's been replaced by fanatics and extremists. 2/n
I have lived around extremists and violent people. Some of you know the stories. Most of you do not. Let me say this... In the past few years I have felt like I did in my old life. I keep a go-bag by the door, my first-aid kit, and I know my egress points from this bldg. 3/n
This is not how I want to live my life. This level of fear that has some of you buying guns, some of you feeling anxiety and uncertainty is not how any of us should live. Trump and the @GOP want this for you. They want you to give in and accept a lesser way of life. 4/n
We can get back to a more peaceful state with a prosperous economy but to do that we all must put aside our differences and focus on one thing: Getting out to #VOTE. We must send a clear message to politicians that we expect better. 5/n
If you are a Republican, it's time to clean house and hold the extremists accountable. Rebuild your party. If you are a Democrat, it's time to get your shit together and lead with principles and humility. It's time to serve with integrity and build coalitions. 6/n
But regardless as to whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or whatever your affiliation, we must unite and #vote to restore civility to our democracy. This starts by removing Trump from office and holding his administration accountable. 7/n
This nation has always claimed a moral high ground in the world. But in the last 20 yrs we have ceded that through actions which defy any principles upon which this nation was founded. We must aspire to a more perfect union, a more peaceful union. We must be better. 8/n
So I beg each of you who read this to reach out to just two people you know and help them verify their voter registration. Help them get registered to vote. Share the issues with them. Encourage them. Then encourage them to do the same to two more. 9/9
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