1.Despite some clear propaganda included, the UK show Utopia is probably the most based TV show that has ever aired. Here are some curious inclusions: 1) The show focuses on overpopulation, and a food shortage because of it...
2...to beat overpopulation, (((their))) strategy is to put an inert substance into all foods that remains dormant until activated by the second substance. That 2nd substance would be included in....a mandatory worldwide vaccination that when combined with the first, sterilizes...
3..."We've now passed 7bil on this planet. When I was born, it was a little over 2. Food prices are rising, orders ending, when our resources end in 20 years, given everything we know of our species, do you really think we're going to just...share?" "NO IT IS NOT GENOCIDE!"...
4...b4 that, one of the characters is framed for a school shooting; one of the agents uses fingerprints from the character and massacres children and staff in a school. CCTV footage is faked, and msm broadcasts the fake school shooting footage... #billgates
5...with the school shooting scene, we also see included the idea of the "sleeper agent" idea; while waiting in the bathroom, one of the "agents" receives the greenlight via a phone call. This idea is also explored in a later scene, where an agent dispatched to... #billgates
6...initiate "the plan" receives a call, moves the substance that will be used to a predetermined location, and promptly murders his entire family and then kills himself. #coronavirus #billgates
7...Also the inclusion of the idea of coercing individuals into taking actions they otherwise wouldnt do via blackmail, such as this scene where one of the main characters is blackmailed into furthering this vax agenda after being recorded having an affair #billgates #coronavirus
9. We can't forget of course the inclusion of the dimwitted contract killers deployed by (((them))) that are so completely free of consequences, that they have fun while taking their targets out... #billgates #coronavirus #depopulation
10...which makes sense, bc they have this brainwashed/MK Ultra vibe about them. As a matter of fact, one of the main killers was psychologically tortured when young, which turned him to the vicious killer he is in the show..satanic ritual abuse? #pizzagate
11...on that topic, who could forget the scientist tasked by (((them))) to torture the children of the good guys? He's so good at it, hes able to torture you within an inch of your life while keeping you alive. He does it with joy and precision! #billgates
12....Also interesting that an overarching symbol of the show is, ya guessed it, a white rabbit! Featured prominently at the end of the season 1 intro that features the MK Ultra killers sent by (((them))). Scary scene: #billgates #pizzagate #pedogate
13. The entire basis of this show is that 4 kids come into possession of what's called the Utopia Experiments (graphic novel) which they believe predicted world disasters. They acquire the new, unpublished version, and (((The Network))) comes after them. Truth in art, eh?
14. To finish this long thread, Utopia is A) a great show that features elements of some of the things we take seriously now more than we ever have before, and B) is extremely relevant given the themes of overpopulation, depopulation, mind control, & fake shootings they explore.
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