I think it's been clear to Victorians for a few weeks now that the federal govt. wasn't fully engaged with our second wave. The vulnerability in aged care should have been obvious following Newmarch. But we've repeated that mistake, on a massive scale. 1/4 https://twitter.com/CroweDM/status/1287929455961235457
Federal responsibility is not just for the aged care sector, but the industrial relations system which sent sick workers from nursing home to nursing home. Remember the unions asked for paid pandemic leave back in March. The PM and premiers can't say they weren't warned. 2/4
Labor, of course, is a joint author of this IR system. Rudd and Gillard were bluffed into implementing a version of WorkChoices after they'd defeated it at the 2007 election. 3/4
The lesson, again, is for all sides is to be humble enough to learn from their mistakes. We won't beat this pandemic if the parties blame shift, or go into a defensive couch and recite tribal talking points from 2019. 4/4
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