BREAKING: I got some info today from a person who just left Uyghurland. Here are the highlights: (1) Uyghur youths transported/enslaved in Han provinces make 500 Yuan (<$100) a month, work 12+ hrs a day, got beaten/physically abused if couldn’t finish daily workload, 1/b
2/b cannot go outside the factory, & live with very low quality diet & poor health.
(2) Enslaved workers were threatened to go to jails with 20+ years term if talked to a foreign reporter or received a call from abroad.
3/b Their living conditions are similar to those in some concentration camps back home. (3) Many normal Uyghurs were forced to stay in mental hospitals taking mental illness medicines. (4) All boarding school teachers are Han Chinese just came from Han provinces.
4/b They physically abuse/torture Uyghur kids—Many parents found the bodies of their kids full of black. blue, red, & purple bruises. Boarding school foods are very low quality & the most students developed malnutrition conditions.
5/b Teachers often call the Uyghur elementary/middle school kids: “You are China’s garbages; China’s parasitic insects”. (5) The Uyghurs outside concentration camps are committing suicides by 1000s. All Uyghurs are terrified, even during the sleep at night.
6/b For them each day not got arrested became the best day. Local authorities can gather all Uyghurs in any evening with single whistle for political studies. Aged Uyghurs who have no any caregiving children left were all taken to “Seniors Centers”.
7/b (6) All mosques were converted to entertainment centers except few, which are used for staging praying scenes when a foreign travel group, a foreign delegation or a domestic inspection team comes. One mosque can be converted to a praying house in one night
8/b & be changed back in another. The prayers are being forcefully brought from surrounding places. (7) The lands & the houses originally belonged to the local Uyghurs were all confiscated by the government. Those land owners were forcefully moved to small apartment units
9/b in residential buildings. (8) Being rich is a crime for the Uyghurs. (9) The number of Uyghur population in cities/villages/townships decreased drastically; one can rarely see Uyghurs on streets now. If a top-level inspection group comes,
10/b the authorities create a scene of dense Uyghur population by putting road blocks or bringing in Uyghurs by bus from surrounding areas before the group arrives. (10) Uyghurs cannot travel from county to the next. If they do, they have to get approvals from 7 different levels
11/b of authorities. To go from one village to another, they need to get 2 levels of approvals. Uyghur parents cannot stay in their kids’ houses for more than 3 days without approval.
The above is some aspects of the current lives of the Uyghurs who are at the CCP’s mercy.
12/b If the free world does not change the CCP regime, CCP will change the free world as Sec Pompeo pointed out last week. From the above you can get some idea how “the CCP’s mercy” looks like.
@GordonGChang @robert_spalding @Jkylebass @LouisaCGreve @adrianzenz @SolomonYue
13/b Thread by @ErkinSidick: The above 12 parts given in one place:
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