Socialism is one of the only logical conclusions I've been able to hold onto in this repulsive, terrifying, violent moment.
We're walking, with no armor, into the worst economic downturn in decades. We're watching our friends, parents, and neighbors suffer. We're inheriting a world on fire, children who drink dirty water everyday, and a government that believes in piecemeal solutions at best.
We're getting kicked off our parents health insurance, or losing it because we're getting fired from our jobs and our country doesn't believe in a truly universal healthcare system. And neither do the vast majority of our political leaders.
Billionaires have looted the entire working class, and millions of people in violent poverty and literally amassed TRILLIONS of dollars. In a global pandemic and economic spiral. We're giving more and more money to a racist, imperialistic, killing military and police force.
And what we're met with? Reformists suggest reforms. Telling us the day will come, take what we can get, just wait for your basic human rights, your housing, your care, your ability to take care of your friends and elders; just you wait for the police to stop murdering people.
Black people are being shot and lynched in public. We've just accepted that indigenous communities & prisons have among the highest COVID rates in the country because we've dehumanized those communities since the inception of America. And we're genuinely told to just wait it out.
We're still invading numerous countries, gunning and bombing down nameless non-white children. We're watching nurses and grocery store workers and transit workers get sick or die from a preventable disease, without basic rights to protect them. And still, we must not ask too much
I am appreciating, at the very least, that I have more mental and intellectual space to think bigger, to not stop at what feels impossible or too much to demand. And to challenge my own conceptions of what I think working people and all of us 'deserve'. Give it a try, if you can.
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