The group that first pushed this video isn't new. Anti-Obamacare conservative activists—the Tea Party Patriots Action—have been working with this coalition of health professionals to advocate loosening states' restrictions on their services for months
And here's a view into how the network of influencers promoting this sort of thing works. This group of doctors has been promoted by Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center—a nonprofit that has received financial support primarily from Robert Mercer
I would love to know why we can't see CrowdTangle data on this link anymore? But here's some data I downloaded while the post was still live.

After being promoted by Mercer-funded MRC founder Brent Bozell, it finds life on FB when it's pushed by the likes of Breitbart & PragerU
And that's it. That's the ecosystem.
I’m sorry of course there is one more beat to this whole cycle which is that THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES shares the shady doctors video with gross medical misinformation
lol so to be clear it goes like:

anti-Obamacare conservative activists team up with shady group of doctors —> promoted by Robert Mercer-funded media influencer —> pubbed on FB by Breitbart and PragerU —> absolutely bananas viral on Facebook

Sad that it’s so predictable. You can reconfigure that sequence of events slightly but the scaffolding of it can apply—and HAS applied—to so many different recent false conspiracies

How are we so blessed so as to have everyone jumping in with their takes tonight
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