We keep getting asked to participate as an agency in big pitches and we finally said yes. Note: we’re not an agency. As a first timer in an agency pitch, I have approx one million questions.... (a thread)
1) What in the actual fuck is up with this process? There are like 300 people pitching, including 3 (!!!) holding companies, other agencies and us. This is a very straight forward project. Why so many POVs needed to make a decision?
2) What’s up with all the IP, time and effort you’re expected to put in for free? When I call a plumber, I don’t ask them to fix my toilet to prove they can do it before I let them fix my sink. I fed don’t call 10 plumbers at once and ask all of them to fix stuff for free.
3) Procurement, hello! By using the same scorecard (and RFP) for everyone, how do you create room for innovation?? Why aren’t we evaluating different types of partners differently? Our model doesn’t fit into your scorecard, so now what?
4) Why haven’t we evolved this process in... well, ever? It feels (like many things in advertising) fear-based and I am not loving this energy. It’s keeping us from our inclusion goals, while wasting a shit ton of time, energy, and money.
5) Can we all just NOT BE COOL with the fact that organizations say they want diversity and they want innovation, but then make everyone fit into a pitch mold that makes it impossible for them to get in?
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