So, here's the story. J. Edgar Hoover Building needs replacement. So in 2012, the GSA starts making plans to relocate the FBI into the suburbs. 1/
Trump is elected and takes office in 2017 and begins to push to keep the FBI in downtown D.C. Now, this is interesting why? 2/
The Hoover building is on some prime property and would be a fantastic location for a new luxury hotel. Someone we know owns a luxury hotel in DC. Hmmmm. I wonder who. 3/
So anyway, the Trump administration decides that it is no longer going to build a new FBI building in the 'burbs but that it will build a new building on the site of the Hoover building. Wow. I wonder who would benefit from that?
Fast forward to 2020, as the Trump administration may be winding down, as the coronavirus pandemic rages. The White House pushes the Republican Senate to allocate $1.8 b dollars in a coronavirus relief bill for a new FBI headquarters. 5/
@senatemajldr at first acts like he doesn't even know the money is in the bill and then, after he's pressed, he acknowledges that, well, it it there, and that he knew it all along. 6/
The White House is a criminal enterprise. And @senatemajldr is aiding and abetting. 7/
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