When u want to show deep cleavage but the Holy Spirit starts to side eye u.

I hear Him saying, this isn't u.

But I keep pushing, I must wear this thing.

Till I get to the door and I can't ignore Him anymore. I can't grief Him.

I go back and change. When I refuse, I regret it.
And there was that time where I couldn't hear him speaking about these things.

I'd be lying to say He was silent...He spoke but I wasn't yet sensitive to His leading.

He always speaks to us, He never ministers condemnation.

He convicts us of our righteousness.
He reminds you that you're set apart. You're brand new, your heart is His home.

You're righteous

You're virtuous

You're loved

He'll never change His mind about you. He's wait for when you'll follow His lead.

In due season, it will be effortless
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