Been seeing comments lately that churches aren't under ”real persecution” by being ordered to shut down under COVID-19 edicts. So, just wanted to add my meager 2 cents on this.

Initially, when all businesses, schools, churches, etc, were ordered closed across the board...1/
we could rightly say this was not a government effort to target churches. However, as time passed (far more time than we were originally told) it was clear some states were playing fast and loose with how they applied their restrictions. In some places, like my state, you...2/
could have a large number of people as long as you didn't exceed a certain percentage of occupancy. But churches were somehow more dangerous and could be limited even further. Then the protests/riots happened and no leaders called their gatherings dangerous for COVID. 3/
In fact, they often celebrated the protests and tried to tamp down any suggestion they could cause COVID spread. Yet churches were being kept under restrictions, and in places like CA, they couldn't even sing. Now CA closes churches across the board and GCC is told they...4/
are wrong for reopening because they are not experiencing ”real persecution.”

Yes, it is true that CA authorities were not waiting with shackles and paddy wagons for members who arrived at GCC. But it is quite clear that CA is targeting churches specifically with an...5/
uneven application of the edicts of the Governor. This same governor celebrated the ”protests” and made no efforts to restrict them. Yet he wants churches (even house churches) fully closed. Persecution rarely starts as a full-on onslaught. It often starts with, just do this...6/
one thing the rulers demand. Just make this one statement, this one compromise, this one nod of obedience, and you’ll be fine. Yet, like a ravenous beast, tyrants are never satisfied with ”just this one thing.” They always want a little more. And once you defy them, then...7/
persecution begins. It starts with the name-calling, the isolating, the little extra requirements no one else has to do. Once you can make people dislike the church that much more, the more serious efforts can begin. You see, persecution isn't always just trotting people...8/
off to jails/executions. Sometimes it just begins by making an example of the church and people will fall in line. So, yeah, maybe GCC hasn't had Roman Empire persecution going on, but you simply aren’t paying attention if this isn't a form of persecution with more to come. End/
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