Here is a review of some tRump statements from the past week.

TRUMP, on the United States approaching 50 million tests: “This allows us to isolate those who are infected, even those without symptoms. So we know exactly where it’s going & when it’s going to be there.”
THE FACTS: This is False.

In many if not most parts of the country, people who manage to get a test can wait for days or weeks for the results because labs are overwhelmed.
Children and Covid-19

TRUMP on young people and the virus: “Now, they don’t catch it easily; they don’t bring it home easily. And if they do catch it, they get better fast. We’re looking at that fact.” — briefing Wednesday.
THE FACTS: That is not a fact. He doesn’t have the science to reach this broad conclusion.

Dr. Deborah Birx, and public health officials have said repeatedly that while children appear to get less sick from the virus than adults, the threat to young people & their ability
to spread the virus are not understood because not enough research has been done on children and Covid-19 and its transmission. “It’s very unique how the children aren’t affected,” he said in early May. “Incredible.”
U.S. death toll

TRUMP on the United States & other countries in the pandemic: “We’ve done much better than most. And with the fatality rate at a lower rate than most, it’s something that we can talk about, but we’re working, again, with them because we’re helping a lot of
countries that people don’t even know about.” 

THE FACTS: That’s false. The US has suffered far more recorded infections & deaths from Covid-19 than any other country, including those with larger populations, & it lags a number of other nations in testing & containment.
KAYLEIGH 'Lying' McENANY, White House press secretary, on Trump: “He’s also appalled by cancel culture, & cancel culture specifically as it pertains to cops. We saw a few weeks ago, ‘Paw Patrol,’ a cartoon show about cops was canceled.” — briefing Friday
THE FACTS: No, ‘Paw Patrol’ was not canceled. Fake rumors online said it was. And it’s not about cops. It’s a cartoon about puppies. The lead puppy is a cop. There’s a firefighter puppy, too.

McENANY, when asked about Trump’s change in tone this past week in urging people to wear masks: “There has been no change. The president has been consistent on this.” — news briefing Friday

THE FACTS: That’s false. Trump’s messaging has been inconsistent, to say the least
TRUMP: “You know, one day, we had a virus come in, and I closed the borders, did a lot of things that were very good. 
 And nobody wanted to do it. I wanted to do it. We closed the border to China. We put on the ban. We didn’t want people coming in from heavily infected China.”
The U.S. restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 continued to allow travel to the United States from China’s Hong Kong & Macao territories for past five months. The Associated Press reported that more than 8,000 Chinese & foreign nationals based in those territories entered the US.
Additionally, more than 27,000 Americans returned from mainland China in the first month after the restrictions took effect. U.S. officials lost track of more than 1,600 who were supposed to be monitored for virus exposure.

TRUMP: “On the VA, we got Veterans Choice. Nobody thought that would be possible. That’s been many decades. They’ve been trying to get Veterans Choice. It’s called ‘Choice,’ where they can go get a doctor if they have to wait on line 4 2 weeks or 6 weeks or 3 days.”
THE FACTS: It’s not true that he achieved Veterans Choice when other presidents couldn’t. President Barack Obama!! achieved it. Trump only expanded it. It has not eliminated delays for care, including for those with waits of “two weeks” or “two days.”
What should we expect from a Narcissistic Bigoted Augean Treasonous Psychotic Fascist Cretin.

PS: And who is a Inadequate dishonorable stridulus cockwoble.
Just a little nauseous information if you need it. #Resist
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