The first meeting of the @DNC platform committee was today and I want to share with you some of what climate leaders fought for and won as part of this process.

It wasn't everything, but we made some significant strides from previous years.

Here's just a quick taste:
Democrats will now strive to implement solutions aimed to keep warming to 1.5°C, as opposed to 2°C from the 2016 platform.

This is HUGE and opens up a lot of space for greater ambition on climate moving forward.
The party will ensure that fossil fuel companies are held liable for misinformation and omission of truth as has been called for many times over by the #ExxonKnew folks.
The party commits to consider the major risks posed to the economy and financial sector by the climate crisis.
The party will ensure some of the strongest parts of the Biden climate plan are inc. in the platform:

- 40% of green infrastructure/jobs investment goes to frontline communities

- Every city w/ > 100k residents will receive federal support for public transport improvements
I'm proud of what we accomplished & there's a lot left to do.

I'm grateful for @MDeatrick who worked on the 1.5°C amendment w/ me, @GinaNRDC, @Analilia_Mejia, @Innamo & so many countless more.

Honored to be fighting the good fight together. Now let's win in November.
You can follow @VarshPrakash.
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