Look at some point white trans women need to have a serious conversation about how the hyperabundance of us in programming is largely the result of suburban agoraphobia, social dysfunction, closeted lifestyles, & transgender trauma generally filtered by privilege https://twitter.com/NotMyDeadname/status/1287661355286355969
Hot take I know you don't want to hear this but the fact that so many of us TW keep entering programming is BAD, it's the privileged choice of a profoundly oppressed class of woman who is selected out of male support and the option of public appearance typical to female labor
The flip side of computer programming for trans women has always been sex work, I promise you TW's presence in both these fields is intimately related, some do both at once, think about that. both are fine, should be legal, but are the result of limiting structures in our lives
IME trans women who transition early & happily enough are way more likely to swap to the fields closer to out trans life: nursing & social work mostly. & that's what I'd've done had I come out 5 years ago, still may do, barring pandemic + depression. for now i feel trapped
I feel trapped AND I still came out early enough to feel comfortable teaching programming instead of quieter industry work, the social engagement is much better for my mental health even if it pays worse, is less valued, and makes it harder to support myself.
personally i know tens of trans women who liked computers but came out around the age of 18-20 and switched fields because they actually wanted to be out in the world. Others of us come out after & adapt into this weird & lovely tech + social justice combo, but it's an adaptation
None of this is to diss on programming itself. But the hyperabundance of trans women -- again, white trans women, light-skinned suburban trans women -- in programming is literally not an accident, it's not wonderful, it's because of how our oppression and privilege meld.
Aww my random transgender programmer angst really took off, I'm so glad I've opened up this little space for #GirlsWhoHateCode <3

DMs are open to younger trans women with career questions (y'all have already been messaging me). I have no certain answers, only past mistakes.
You can follow @9BillionTigers.
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