Watching on TV ’Five Rafale planes have left for india.‘ ‘They will halt at Abu Dhabi overnight’. ‘The Rafale planes will be stationed in Ambala.’ Are defence matters not secret in India ? The secrecy is always the strength of an organisation and the media exposure is not.
The decline has been gradual. We used to read newsreports ‘from somewhere in the western sector.’ The we saw live telecast of the war and 26/11 anti terrorist operation in Mumbai.’ Then Nilofar Bhagwat brought defence matters to page one. /2
Then came an army chief, the first from his tribe. Throughout his tenure, the General and his wife were all over page 3. Nobody could tell him that this was not in consonance with the dignity and prestige of Indian Army./3
I have had the honour of knowing some 20 generals of Indian army. Outstanding men. Fortunately, our present Chiefs are quite restrained and dignified. Their presence commands respect. You feel assured that the country is in safe hands. /4
There was an era of the Blazer generals. They looked smart. But when this culture percolates to the Officer level, it becomes a matter of concern. Thanks to General Rodrigues, the traditions were restored./5
One of our officers goes to Court to have Chinese apps on his phone. You can imagine what the Chinese/Pakistanis must be thinking of us. But If you have Generals before the Court, you will have Colonels before the Court. The institutions like forts fall brick by brick./6
Now you have OP Rooms in TV studios. You have satellite images and maps on the screen and retired officers as defence experts. They discuss strategy in the studios. The recordings must be reaching them through their missions. Does this not jeopardise our national security ? /7
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