Again, I respect a lot of people involved with this effort. And if it was simply science based, maybe.

But it's not.
The reality is that failures on the political side make this a non-starter. As long as you nightly have thousands of protesters out committing acts of violence, the majority of Americans (who are law abiding and generally reasonable) are not going to listen at all.
I was against opening up as early as we did, but we did that.

That was followed by 8 weeks of massive, on going public protests.

How do we put that genie back in the bottle? Simply put...we can't, and won't.
As I said earlier today, ideally Trump would lead this effort.

But without POTUS, we don't have any reasonable state level leaders that have the gravitas and respectability to make this argument for lock downs again.

We wasted our shot.
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