In the grocery, I noticed a 20-something lingering a little too long near me by the fruit.

And then we locked eyes. And I devoured her for a few seconds.

She didn't avert. I didn't avert. Neither of us wanted to.

It was on.
As terrified as I was, not even I could avoid that invitation.

She was wearing a green one piece jumpsuit thing, that reminded me of a safari outfit. So I walked up to her and said "hey, I like your safari outfit"

I didn't stack on that. I should have.
I said something about my scrubs instead.

She took a second to look at the logo on my scrubs and asked me about my job.

Yup, she even hooked. 🤦‍♂️

And I lost it. Stumbled over my words, got awkward.

She said thanks and left.
I learned SO MUCH.

I learned that the London Daygame Model is a real thing. It actually is how people have conversations.

Yeah, I technically skipped an open and went straight to a stack, but if you had seen that eye contact IOI you would have done the same.
I learned that even though I'm a GREAT communicator, that doesn't translate to pickup.

There's a meme in jiu jitsu that applies:

Student: "Coach! I like working out and I'm good at it. Which exercise should I do, to get better at jiu jitsu?"

Coach: "Train more jiu jitsu"
The only way to get better at communicating in THIS SPECIFIC ARENA, is to practice in THIS SPECIFIC ARENA.

I get it now. I'm so stoked to train, now that I had a positive reference experience.

I KNOW I could have continued this conversation if I had more practice.
Even hours later, I'm still buzzing from the rush. It was intoxicating.

I get it now.

I was so grateful to this girl for entertaining my conversation, I almost went up to her after and thanked her.

Total lifetime daygame approaches: 1.

Better than zero.

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