Back in March I did a video interview with my local ABC explaining why masks were not recommended in Australia at the time.

That was the advice at the time as there was low levels of community transmission in Australia. This advice has changes as the situation has changed. 1/n
Now, in areas in Australia where there is community transmission, masks are recommended (& in some places are mandatory). This does not mean the previous advice was wrong, it means the situation & advice have evolved. 2/n
If you have been told to wear a mask, wear a mask.
BUT - DON'T act like your mask is magic, the mask is an addition to the other things we need to do differently now, so still keep your distance, & don't touch others where you can. STILL STAY HOME IF UNWELL 3/n
And use your mask carefully so that it isn't just a technicality, to make it valuable you need to make sure not to touch your face and the front of the mask will you wear it, wash your hands before you put it on and take it off, wash between uses (or discard if single use). 4/n
Don't dangle it around your neck, don't pull it all over your face, don't put your nose over the top. Don't put it on surfaces that other people will touch. Put it on when you go out & take it off when you get in.

And before anyone comes at me with "BUt yOU aRe A NUTritIoNiST" - I have a degree in Biomedical Science (with first class honours in Immunology & Microbiology) and a post grad degree in epidemiology (majoring in molecular epi). 6/6.
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