Thread on the Yuri Bezmenov deception:

Every time there is any Leftist agitation in America or the West, someone inevitably brings up the name of supposed "KGB defector" Yuri Bezmenov and shares his videos all over the internet.

Truth is, Yuri was nothing more than a bold liar.
Yuri Bezmenov never worked for the KGB. He was nothing more than a Ukrainian born third rate journalist for the Russian news agency, APN.

Throughout his life, he had ties to Right-wing Ukrainian dissident groups and was recruited by the CIA in order to spread anti-Soviet stories
Yuri was born in 1939 and became interested in Indian culture at a young age. He eventually found employment with the Soviet APN news agency but was considered as so incompetent that he was sent off to New Delhi, where he "defected" in 1970.
Bezmenov then immigrated to Canada where he went under the name Tomas David Schuman and then proceeded to spread warnings against the USSR with tales of their Machiavellian style schemes against the West

He was a creation of the
American Security Council
and Project Aerodynamic
Project Aerodynamic was a CIA scheme to create anti-Russian propaganda and unrest by using useful idiots like Ukrainian and other USSR dissidents in order to spread hysteria and untruths against the Soviet Union in western media (same still goes on today as we can see).
Here are some translated pages of an article (written in Russian) that describe Yuri Bezmenov's early life, incompetent work for USSR journalism, and the events leading up to his "defection".

Original in Russian here: 👇👇
Also, note that, after he settled in Canada, Bezmenov got a job as a "political commentator" for CBC TV news and even they eventually smelled Yuri's BS and dumped him (given how dense and incompetent the CBC is, that must have been some strong-smelling BS :) ).
Yuri Bezmenov's APN news agency ID. He was never, never KGB. That's just a fantastic myth created either by his massive ego or by his CIA handlers.
So, in conclusion, Yuri Bezmenov was never KGB, never anything more than a third rate Russian journalist and Hindi interpreter.
His myth and the false message has lived on though passed the breakup of the USSR and is still spread today by misguided conservatives.
Those who want to understand the dysfunction and breakup of American and Western society need not look for foreign boogeymen and spies as it's culprits.

Instead, look hard at the very system of liberalism itself, the "cornerstone" of the modern West to understand it's crumbling
Every group that seeks to undermine our present system (Soros and his ilk) don't do so in the name of communism but with the intent to push modern liberalism to (what they see as) it's logical conclusions.

This modern "liberalism" is a pillar of the wider neoliberal agenda.
It's desires to create a society of atomized hyper individuals who have no identity beyond being consumers of cheaply produced goods and services.

Whatever you think of communism, that's not it.

In order to fight your true enemy, you first must know who they really are.
Btw, you really have to dig deep to learn about these matters. Almost all major online search engines are in liaison with the CIA & will block out any true news about these matters.

Mine came from deep research and private contacts. That is something most who search don't have.
I still think that Yuri was nothing more than a CIA propaganda tool for disinfo. The Soviet Union, despite any faults, was decidedly anti-liberal, not like today's Soros funded Leftist who are radically liberal.
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