Mite as well make a thread. Internship tips. Medicine rotation point of view:

1. Walk with healthy snacks for ward rounds and throughout the day. Hungry will bite u even if u decide to walk wit lunch. Carry extra too. Ppl craven
2. The work u have to do is proportional to the team ur on. If u hav lazy seniors, u will have more to do. Do Not try to impress anyone with how well or efficient u can complete a task. That will earn u more work. Do what u have to do, and pace yourself.
3. Have your to do lists. Stay organized. Do not do the list in order. Prioritize what is said to be most important and do that first.
4. You do not work from 8am to 4pm. Start work an hour early so u can plan your exit to as close to 4 as possible. Almost impossible to hav a hassle free day if u start work at 8
5. If u have a bossy senior, apply tips 1 to 4. If u hav a lazy resident, apply tips 1 to 4. Do all that they desire within the hours of 8 to 4, in keeping with tips 1 to 4.
6. So ur work is done. If anyone from ur team is calling u, it's to give u more work. Based on ur day, decide if u can stay longer or if u must leave. Sometimes u will hav to stay, so that when u truly hav to leave, u wud hav banked a lot of "favours" by staying. Be smart.
7. Don't worry about internship assessment form. Worry about being good at your job and having a good work ethic. U don't hav to be great, and I don't suggest u strive for greatness. Strive to get thru. It's not being graded. No one cares to be honest
8. When called to assess a patient on duty, always go and eyeball the patient. Do not ask 100 questions over the phone. Go at once and assess them. U will earn the respect of the nurses, and they won't call u for foolishness.
9. Assessment is - looking at the pt's problem list and their medications, in relation to why u were called. Make sure they actually got their meds. Not all pts require a long write up and fake exam findings. Just write what u did.
10. If u are on call with YOUR senior resident on your firm (if on a gen med), do whatever they ask u. It will make your post call day easier 70% of the time. 30% of the seniors are assholes that cannot be helped. Be wise with ur energy
11. On ur duty day, at 2pm, walk around and check all the IVAs on the medicine floor. Ones that need changing, note the ward & bed number and put up a list in your interns whatsapp group. Let your colleagues replace their pt's accesses before 4pm so u hav less to do that night
12. Residents are just as stressed as u. Some r bullies. Everybody is toxic. Don't try to fix the jail. Think survival. Adapt. Do the time, and leave. The jail has been the same for many years. U r not goin to change it.
13. Do NOT interfere with Dr. Gilbert's patients. Do not touch them. Do not write anything in the kardex. Do not look at them. Call your senior.
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