So if colleges are going online, I see waiving room and board. But I have problems with cutting tuition. I've seen some really good teaching happening online, and some of the classes I've taken spring and summer have been some of the most outstanding courses I've ever had... 1/
2/ If the professors care about their teaching and about their content, the teaching, and the course, is not any less worth the tuition online than if it were in person. Tuition is what you're paying to learn. And if you argue, but the experience, I'd say the experience of being
3/ of being a student in a pandemic is pretty formative. You experience community, reality, responsibility for self and others, the value of the common good, the importance of living, in a way you won't living in a dorm with free rein. Non-pandemic life will return, and if we
4/ learn and learn well during it, then non-pandemic life can be a better "new normal," where we are more cognizant of health and humanity and inequity and mortality.

Besides that, teaching online is hard. Your teachers are adjusting to a completely different way of doing
5/ things, of conveying their material in a way that inspires and shapes and sticks. The fact that you are not in a classroom with your teacher and fellow students should not impact whether your teachers have job security and a salary. If the economy were fair, they should be
6/ paid more for what they are doing, for their dedication and creativity and hours spent re-crafting their courses and their pedagogy. (If the economy were fair, they should be paid more in general - and I've spend some wonderful years as a college adjunct and while
7/ I loved, loved, the teaching, I was fortunate to have other (also wonderful, so doubly fortunate) work to fill the gaps and sustain me, because adjuncts aren't paid enough and they have no security. So stop asking for tuition cuts. Your professors care about what they teach
8/ and they care about who they're teaching. They are putting everything into this, and they're facing the same uncertainties and fears and health risks that you are, or should be. Don't take this out on universities, because what you're doing is taking it out on faculty.
^^^ My thread on #tuition #highered in #COVID19 and #school in a #pandemic, 1-8.
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