TW // self harm
a thread for harm reduction on self harm and some alternatives incase someone needs it, i’m so proud of you💘
to delay:
express feelings- make art, journal, talk to somebody
to delay:
self soothe- breathing excersise, music, bath, a face mask, your favourite food
to delay:
distraction- watch something, clean, paint, draw
for the look- draw the urge( paint or draw where you want to cut)
for the feeling- cold bath, snap rubber band on wrist, chew in an ice cube, eat raw ginger
for the movement- rip up paper, squeeze a stress ball
and now for some reduction of harm because i know sometimes the urge is too much:
- a less damaging type of harm (scratching instead of cutting)
- use safe clean and sterile tools(and less damaging ones)
-take proper care of wounds ( first aid)
please please talk to someone if you feel comfortable, i promise you you are never alone and there are so so many more alternatives to sh. you’ve got this and i’m so proud of you💘
if you do ever need to talk to someone i am always here to listen to you i love you so much and i am so proud of you
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