things muslims should do on the Day of Arafah (July 30th) a thread 🧵:

For those not going to hajj, fasting on this day will insha’allah absolve the sins from the previous year and the coming year, make sure you fast!
Make sure to stay away from any major sins.
If you are not praying five times a day fix your salah. If you fix your salah, your salah will fix everything else.
Making Tahleel, Takbeer, Tahmeed and Tasbeh:

Tahleel being: “Laa ilaaha ilAllah”
Takbeer being: “Allahu Akbar”
Tahmeed being: “Alhamdulillaah”
Tasbeeh being: “SubhanAllah”

It is sunnah of our Prophet ď·ş (pbuh) to recite these as many times on the day of Arafah as possible.
The Dua of Arafah, say this dua as much times as you can throughout the day.
Make a lot of dua, be extremely nice to your parents, give charity if you can insha’Allah, and do as many good deeds as you can.
Insha’allah we reach the day of Arafah and insha’Allah Allah accepts our efforts on that glorious day.
If there is anything I am missing please add on insha’Allah and share this so other people can see it, May Allah forgive all of our past sins.
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