1/The ability to distinguish is a prerequisite of sanity.

While there are eerie similarities between Alan Moore's graphic novel and the subsequent film, the point of V for Vendetta appears to be lost on Brianna.

Let's just start with the Guy Fawkes mask of V for Vendetta... https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1287718784921411584
2/...Alan Moore's classic tale drips w/symbolism and the syrup from which it flows is the mask of Guy Fawkes. Fawkes was the (historically accurate) leader of a failed revolution against a tyrannical gov by which the mask is molded. It's absurd to imply flimsy face masks worn...
3/...by the Orwellian named "peaceful protesters" is indistinguishable from a Guy Fawkes mask. Sure, V is not only for vendetta, but for vengeance and for *victim.* While the flimsy face mask might be conflated with victim, symbolically it conveys obedience.
4/It takes a special kind of creepy bending over backwards, walking on all fours in a hyper-edited flow type of logic to imply that V's populist movement against fascism is represented by people IRL wearing disposable paper masks.

Never mind that in V's world...
5/...homosexuality has been outlawed and punishment severe. Never mind that V kidnapped Evie and then radicalized her towards his cause. Never mind that in V's world the gov was indeed fascist, whereas in the U.S. we find a scattered collective of petty tyrants unilaterally...
6/...ignored express constitutional restraints in order to issue New Rules to usher in the New Normal.

Never mind that a nation once united in their horror and outrage over the death of George Floyd has now descended into chaos as crafty little fingers whisper...
7/..."Chaos is a ladder."

If you can't distinguish the chaos of today from a comic book of the '80's and that inability to distinguish reflects a larger portion of the population, then no wonder we have this chaos.

Why does this chaos look orchestrated? Why is the media...
8/...so intent on mixing messages to the point of outright lying to the public? To which fascist gov do they answer to? How does all this internal chaos affect national security?

Or, if you'd rather, which comic book best defines our times?
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