God almighty. this may be the most ignorant New York Times story published in a very, *very* long time. 1/
the seal depicts a Dutch sailor holding a plummet. the New York Times, however, sees a noose. it doesn't say as much out loud, but it definitely tries to lead its readers there. 2/
wait what. a "trap"? it's a plummet, a nautical tool. why is this person's abject ignorance being treated as anything but that? 3/
ok they're screwing with us. there's no way this last part about the Whitesboro seal was written in earnest.
for reference, this is the Whitesboro seal. it depicts a friendly Indian wrestling match (seriously, read the history). even I know that. it does not show a settler "throttling" a Native American. 5/
how is it I'm from Indiana and I know New York history apparently better than New York Times staffers? also, why does the landlocked guy know what a plummet is but the coasties don't? read a book, you weirdos.

addendum: in case you think I'm exaggerating when I say the New York Times clearly implies the Dutch sailor's plummet looks like a noose, here is the lede:
nyt: "sure, officials may say it is a so-called plummet. but is it really?? and does that matter?"

not insane people: yes. and yes.

fin for real this time.
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