I inhabit such a weird space in the twittersphere. I am virulently pro-law enforcement, however recognize and call out our flaws and where we need to grow. Both of these attributes are not counter to one another, but because of them I draw followers from both sides of that coin.
Followers who are pro-law enforcement are generally of the belief that police are never in the wrong, conversely those who are attracted by my willingness to call out bad behavior believe that I need to align with their belief that all major incidents are at the fault of the LEO.
Pro-law enforcement followers believe I need to support the president in all he does, while the more left leaning believe I need to condemn everything the man does. It's such a weird place to inhabit.
News flash for the Trump crowd, he's a terrible person who panders & plays his base.

News flash to the left leaning, not everything he does is of Satan. Ignoring good to make yourselves feel superior in your distaste broadens the divide just as much as those who blindly follow.
That said, we can get along. We can believe in the basic humanity of those who hold opposing views. That's not a controversial or even bombastic statement. That's one of the things that makes the US a great place. We are different and that is ok. We are diverse and that is great.
We need to recognize our flaws and sins while striving to be better. We need to recognize that our past sins are not what we are now. Be better to one another.
You can follow @jUsT_A_bIkE_cOp.
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